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Know exactly where your conversations are coming from with new reporting filters and drill downs: geo and channels

Sonia avatar
Shared by Sonia • May 04, 2020

Better insights lead to better support delivery and even better conversations with your customers. Our latest Inbox reporting improvements allow you to filter and drill down into conversation data by geography and channel type, making it easier to spot opportunities to optimize your support.

Capacity planning is simpler for customers with global businesses. Our New Conversations dashboard is equipped with geo filters so you can see where new conversations are coming from around the world. You can also customize the charts you see based on country or continent by clicking the settings icon.

The new channel filters are especially helpful if you use multiple channels for customer support. Use them to view a breakdown of new conversations started by chat, email, Android app, iOS app, Twitter, or Facebook. You can even filter, group, and compare response times by channel on the Responsiveness dashboard .

To learn more about these updates and their availability, see our help docs on the New Conversations and Performance reports.