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Reduce inbound chat volume with Resolution Bot

LeighAnne avatar
Shared by LeighAnne • February 25, 2020

Meet Resolution Bot — an upgrade to Answer Bot that's so big we gave it a new name.

Now you can:

1. Speed up self-service with Auto-suggest answers by surfacing relevant answers based on what customers are typing– before they even hit the enter key!

2. Resolution Bot now has multilingual capabilities, providing answers in Spanish, French, Italian, Brazilian Portuguese, Russian, and German- and can automatically detect which language is being used based on your customer’s browser settings.

3. Launched in Q3, answer targeting lets you decide who your chatbot engages with for each individual answer, and customize the answers it delivers based on targeting criteria you select like customer spend, contract type, and more.

4. Add Resolution Bot to the end of your Custom Bot paths to answer your most common questions automatically when they arise in other conversations.

5. This update will also introduce a separate bot inbox for your Resolution Bot and Custom Bot conversations, so you can focus on the conversations that need human attention.

6. You can also choose to exclude Bot inbox time from SLAs so they only start counting down after a conversation leaves that inbox

7. Resolution Bot gives clearer views into performance, so you know exactly how your bot is performing. You'll know what answers need to be optimized, as Resolution Bot will flag your underperforming answers. You'll also be able to see the exact impact bots are having on your conversation metrics by filtering reporting to include bot interactions

8. Create answers from existing conversations- Now you can take the answers you wrote in live chats and save them as Resolution Bot answers. That way you never have to answer the same question twice.

Get started with Resolution Bot, or click learn more about it. For more information on auto-suggest answers and bot inbox, visit our help articles.