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Identify visitors and personalize outreach with our updated Clearbit Reveal app

Mark avatar
Shared by Mark • September 10, 2018

💡Make sure that the time and money you spend driving visitors to your website pay off. Know who your visitors are as soon as they land on your website and send them personalized messages using Clearbit data.

We’ve updated our Clearbit Reveal app so that you can use Clearbit data in more places. In addition to sending highly targeted auto messages and customizing which visitors can see your Messenger, you can now:

  • Engage visitors with personalized auto messages by inserting Clearbit data – like industry, company location, or even tech stack – into your messages
  • Get leads to the right reps faster by routing conversations based on Clearbit data, like company size
  • Have all the information you need at your fingertips by viewing Clearbit data in your Intercom Inbox or using the data to segment leads in your Intercom Platform

Install the app from the Intercom App Store (Premium plan required), or see our docs to learn more.