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New campaign goal: Replied to any campaign message

Priyanka avatar
Shared by Priyanka • September 13, 2016

We've made some improvements to Smart Campaigns to give you more control over when people leave your campaign and new rules to trigger follow-up messages.

This new goal is helpful if you're trying to start a conversation with people in your campaign, but don't want them to receive additional messages once they reply to one. When people reach the goal, they'll be removed from the campaign.

New message engagement rules: Replied, unsubscribed, and bounced

You can now trigger messages inside of campaigns when someone has or hasn't replied to another message. This allows you to follow up on messages that asked for a response but didn't get one, or, prevent users from receiving specific messages if they respond to another.

You can also now trigger messages when someone unsubscribes or their email bounces. This allows you to send follow-up communications via in-app messages, or, ask them to update their email address.