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Manage assignments at scale with custom conversation prioritization

Mary avatar
Shared by Mary • September 20, 2022

Customers using Balanced Assignment can now fully control how Intercom assigns conversations to teammates with custom conversation prioritization. This change gives customers improved management of how their teams work effectively and efficiently at scale.

To learn more, check out this article.


New feature updates released to the Next-Gen Inbox

Mary avatar
Shared by Mary • September 13, 2022
  • You can now pin common actions (inserting a macro, GIFs, emojis, articles, attachments, and images) into the Next Gen Inbox composer for improved efficiency and navigation.
  • Keyboard shortcuts are now available to French, Brazilian Portuguese, Latin American Spanish, Russian, Hebrew and other non-Latin language users. Due to browser restrictions, this feature is only available on Google Chrome/Microsoft Edge.
  • Resizable sidebars, as well as conversation details consolidated to the sidebar, mean it’s easier to reference details and the conversation at the same time.
Outbound Messaging
Product Tours

Introducing Tooltips: communicate with customers in your product, without getting in their way

Nicole avatar
Shared by Nicole • August 24, 2022

Educate your customers and drive adoption of specific parts of your app with Tooltips - the latest way to communicate with your customers in a contextual and non-disruptive way.

Include a basic message, embed an explainer video, or connect your Tooltip to the rest of Intercom: surface an Article, kick off a Product Tour, prompt a survey, and more. Whatever it is, Tooltips can help you create delightful, action-driven experiences in your app.

To learn more, check out this article.


Next-Gen Inbox now available in Spanish

Mary avatar
Shared by Mary • August 24, 2022

The Next-Gen Inbox has been localized into Spanish (MX). Teammates can choose which language they want to see the Inbox in via the onboarding experience, as well as in the Inbox via the command+k menu or the user profile menu.

Outbound Messaging
Feature update

Create highly targeted and personalized posts at-scale with Dynamic Content

Nicole avatar
Shared by Nicole • August 19, 2022

You can now create personalized posts with dynamic content while saving you and your team time. Target users with the relevant content at the right time by using if/then rules.

To learn more, check out this article.

Outbound Messaging
New feature

Initiate new 1:1 SMS conversations from the Inbox

Mary avatar
Shared by Mary • August 18, 2022

Need to reach a specific user in a fast and direct way? You can now send 1:1 SMS conversations with your users from the Inbox.

Simply click the compose icon from the Inbox menu and select “Conversation”.

Then select SMS as the channel type, and draft your message.

To learn more, check out this article.

Feature update

Use Resolution Bot to automatically resolve customer questions in 5 additional languages

LeighAnne avatar
Shared by LeighAnne • August 11, 2022

Now you can create Resolution Bot answers with 5 additional languages to choose from. Resolution Bot is now available in: Chinese (Simplified and Traditional), Japanese, Korean, and Vietnamese.

To learn more, visit the Help Center.

Outbound Messaging
Feature update

New in Surveys: embed surveys in email & live previewing

Nicole avatar
Shared by Nicole • July 21, 2022

We’ve introduced two new survey features to improve the editing experience and drive completion rates.

First is live previewing: you can now preview how a survey will look in your product, app, or website by selecting preview survey from the editor.

Second is surveys in email: you can now embed the first question of your surveys in email. When a customer receives the email and selects an answer, the survey will open on the page you have set it to appear on, and their response to the first question will be automatically stored. All you need to do is generate an HTML snippet and copy it into an email.

To learn more, check out this article.


Reuse bot content by linking Custom Bots

LeighAnne avatar
Shared by LeighAnne • July 19, 2022

Manage your bots at scale with Custom Bots that are linked to other Custom Bots, making it easier and more efficient to maintain content that appears in multiple bots. With linkable bots, you can create re-usable bot flows that can be linked to from both inbound and outbound Custom Bots.

Learn more in the help center.

Outbound Messaging

Create highly targeted and personalized chats at-scale with Dynamic Content

Nicole avatar
Shared by Nicole • July 12, 2022

Create tailored and personalized chats across the entire customer lifecycle - use Dynamic Content to offer up the right content at the right time.

What are the benefits?

  • Time savings: Reduce the time your team is spending creating tailored chats with our scalable no-code solution.
  • Strong targeting: Leverage your existing customer data in Intercom to create highly targeted rules- ensuring you’re sending the right information to the right audience at the right time.
  • Personalized and engaging content: Create timely, relevant communications that your customers are more likely to engage with.