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Outbound Messaging
Security & Settings

Create a more personalized support experience with our updated sender address settings

Nicole avatar
Shared by Nicole • June 27, 2022

Now, you can map your sender address to the inbound address your customers contact you from. With this option, if a customer contacts you through, then your replies will also come from

This means your customers will experience:

  • Better privacy and security - Protect your customers’ identity by replacing email addresses including their names with a standardized company email - your customers will enjoy this added level of protection and incoming emails will be less likely to look suspicious.
  • More personalized support experiences - When your customers see a reply coming from the address they reached out to, they will be more likely to open your emails and will have immediate context on who is reaching out to them.

It’s as simple as 3 clicks to get started!

Learn how to update your settings here.

Customer Data Platform
Apps & API

Introducing Custom Actions and Custom Objects in bots

LeighAnne avatar
Shared by LeighAnne • June 22, 2022

With Custom Actions and Custom Objects our bots just got a whole lot smarter - by letting you integrate and flexibly store more of your customer data you can now answer more questions entirely through Custom Bots and Resolution Bot. This means you can solve common queries that require data from other systems and use automation to answer questions like:

  • I need to change my delivery date
  • What's my latest gas meter reading?
  • When will I get paid?

You'll benefit from quicker resolution times and shorter support queues, while your customers can more easily self-serve their query and avoid the frustrating wait for an agent.

Custom Actions: Build no-code integrations to show or take action on information in external systems, without needing to invest significant R&D resources.

Custom Objects: A flexible way to model your customer data in a way that makes sense for your business, helping you create more contextual and effective campaigns.

Learn more in the help center.

Outbound Messaging

Say goodbye to dead-end text messages with our truly two-way SMS!

Nicole avatar
Shared by Nicole • June 22, 2022

Engage, activate, and connect with customers like never before. Our two-way SMS lets you have back-and-forth customer conversations, and send real-time promotional offers, transactional messaging, and more.

Here’s why you’ll love Intercom SMS:

  • Higher engagement: With a 98% average open rate, SMS is the perfect channel to actively engage with and connect to your customers—wherever they are.
  • Conversational experience: The best thing about two-way SMS is having your customers’ full attention. Use it to chat with them directly from the Intercom Inbox.
  • Personalized and targeted: We capture and store your customer and event data for you—giving you automatic access to powerful SMS targeting, message personalization, robust reporting, and more.
  • One solution for all teams: Intercom SMS is designed to meet the needs of all your teams - from marketing to sales to support, all teams leveraging SMS to connect with their customers will see the immense benefits this channel can offer.
  • Self-serve onboarding: It’s simple to get started with Intercom’s native SMS tool, and instantly reap the benefits of self-serve onboarding, text message reporting, consent management, keyword handling, and more.
  • Omnichannel experiences: Create seamless omnichannel campaigns in our Series tool, and connect them across SMS, in-app messages, Product Tours, email, and more.

Check out SMS or visit our help center to learn more.

Security & Settings

Keep teammate management permissions only for those who need it 🔐

Ashley avatar
Shared by Ashley • June 21, 2022

We’ve released a new and more granular permission for managing teammates’ away status called "Can change other teammates' status." This more specific permission allows a teammate to manage only the Active/Away status of other teammates without granting them access to the more expansive permission “Can manage teammates, seats and permissions” which allows for adding and removing teammates and seats.

To learn more visit our help center article on permissions!

Apps & API

Improve interoperability and supercharge workflows with API v2.5 🚀

Mark avatar
Shared by Mark • June 15, 2022

The latest version of our API is packed with updates to improve data interoperability, streamline reporting, and enable more sophisticated workflows 💪

Easily export message data via the API 💬 Export message data in a given timeframe to analyze the performance of your campaigns. You can also combine these data with external tools to understand precisely how your messages are impacting customer behavior.

Automatically deflect phone calls to the Intercom Messenger 📞 We added an API for Switch, enabling you to reduce inbound call volume by deflecting incoming phone calls to the Intercom Messenger.

A number of improvements were made to our webhooks 🚀 We introduced versioning to payloads and topics, added new topics, and made updates to our Contact topics.

We now list Tag dependencies on deletion 🏷 If a Tag has dependencies and cannot be deleted, we now return an error message listing those dependent objects.

See a detailed description of the updates and get started using API v2.5 here.


Introducing the fastest, most effective, and powerful Inbox built for support at scale.

Mary avatar
Shared by Mary • June 08, 2022

The new Intercom Inbox is built to handle the volume, speed, and scale of internet business. Designed for the people who use it most, the new Inbox is packed with new features that streamline workflow and collaboration in order to increase team productivity, efficiency, and satisfaction.

Read more here.

Outbound Messaging

Add dynamic subject lines to your emails

Nicole avatar
Shared by Nicole • June 03, 2022

Looking to increase your email open rates? Now, you can easily capture the attention of your different customer segments with dynamic subject lines.

Simply define your audience rules, personalize the subject line, and start sending highly targeted email campaigns.


Streamline your work with bulk actions on Articles

LeighAnne avatar
Shared by LeighAnne • May 25, 2022

Manage your Articles at scale with bulk actions! Simply select your Articles to publish or unpublish, move collections, or delete. And with new filters for status, language, tag, or collection you can quickly find the Articles needing your attention.

Outbound Messaging

Intercom Surveys has 3 updates 🎉 - Advanced Reporting, Branching Logic, and mobile survey codes

Sonia avatar
Shared by Sonia • May 24, 2022

Since the release of Surveys in March, over 1.25 million users have been reached! We’re seeing Surveys helping our customers understand and get closer to their customers. To continue this momentum, we’ve built three new exciting Survey features.

Advanced Reporting for Surveys: Unlock powerful insights faster than ever before by slicing and dicing your survey responses using all your customer data within Intercom. Segment your NPS® scores by region, churn reasons by subscription type, and more - enabling you to better understand your customers and quickly take action.

  • The days of exporting, formatting, and importing survey data are over - easily access all collected survey data in one place
  • Run your NPS® surveys and follow-up workflows via Intercom. Plus, with our new NPS® reporting, drill-down even further to understand the scores
  • Visualize and explore collected data with ease by customizing your time frame and filtering based on user and company attributes to unlock new customer insights
  • Leverage insights alongside Intercom's rich customer data to automate targeted messages, tours, campaigns, and more

Read more here.

Branching Logic: Design responsive surveys - sending customers down different paths depending on their answers to previous questions.

  • With simple if, then statements, change the flow of your survey based on a customers’ answers
  • Experience higher response rates by showing questions that resonate more with your customers
  • Respect your customers’ time - only ask questions that are important to them
  • Encourage your customers to take action by displaying contextual and compelling thank you messages and next steps

Read more here.

Triggering Surveys via code in your mobile app: Launch surveys from a button anywhere in your mobile app. Choose where you want to engage with users easily and in-context to capture relevant feedback.

  • Get in-context feedback from users wherever they are inside your mobile app
  • Users can easily take the survey natively in your mobile app with a simple click of a button
  • Persistent survey buttons enable users to choose when to take a survey
  • Depending on your mobile app design and users’ journeys, choose where you would like the survey to be triggered in your mobile app

Read more here.

Net Promoter®, NPS®, NPS Prism®, and the NPS-related emoticons are registered trademarks of Bain & Company, Inc., Satmetrix Systems, Inc., and Fred Reichheld. Net Promoter Score℠ and Net Promoter System℠ are service marks of Bain & Company, Inc., Satmetrix Systems, Inc., and Fred Reichheld.

New feature

Embed YouTube Shorts in Articles

LeighAnne avatar
Shared by LeighAnne • May 24, 2022

In addition to other supported video hosting platforms, you can now embed YouTube Shorts in Articles. This video format is highly optimized for mobile video content consumption.