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Outbound Messaging

Set messaging permissions based on teammate role

Nicole avatar
Shared by Nicole • April 06, 2021

Admins in Intercom can now set message targeting rules based specific roles. Use these new settings to ensure your team is only messaging the right audiences.

As an admin, create a new role or edit an existing one within your team & roles settings to set permissions.

Teammates that have been given specific default rules will see them whenever creating a new outbound message.

To learn more, check out this article.


See who updated your topics in teammate activity logs

Sonia avatar
Shared by Sonia • April 02, 2021

You can now see which of your teammates created and edited your topic definitions and when in teammate activity logs.

To get started, simply select ‘General’ under the settings page. From there, select ‘Teammate Activity Logs’.


Control who can see reports in Intercom 👀

Sonia avatar
Shared by Sonia • March 31, 2021

Introducing reporting permissions! Control which roles or individual teammates can access reports in Intercom.

To manage these permissions, navigate to your workspace’s teammates or teams & roles settings and simply toggle which teammates or roles should, or shouldn't, have access to reporting in Intercom.

To learn more, check out this article.


Increase your Inbox efficiency by 43% by using new macros to complete multiple actions with one click 💫 📥 💥

Mary avatar
Shared by Mary • March 25, 2021

We’ve made saved replies into an even bigger efficiency driver for your team– so much so that we’ve given it a new name.

With macros (formerly known as saved replies), you can apply not just pre-written responses but common Inbox actions too. This significantly reduces the manual steps your team needs to complete while ensuring customers get the fast, consistent support they expect. It’s a win-win.

👉Speed up resolution time by completing multiple actions at once. With macros you can group common actions together– like tag, assign, snooze, close, add a conversation data attribute– and apply them with one click in conversations or internal notes. To save even more time, you can bulk apply macros too

👉Enhance your team’s experience by eliminating tedious tasks. You can reduce the number of manual actions your team needs to do for every conversation. With all that time and energy saved, teammates can better focus on what they love most– solving problems and helping customers.

👉Ensure great, consistent support across your team by standardizing workflows. When you create macros for common workflows, you make it easier for teammates to always take the right actions, at the right time. To keep your macros organized– and ensure they can be discovered quickly– you will be able to restrict access by team, or make them private (coming soon).

Ready to get started with macros? Hop on over to your inbox to try it now. If you’re looking for more inspiration, read our best practices article, or share your own on Interconnected.

Outbound Messaging

Introducing control groups in Series

Nicole avatar
Shared by Nicole • March 08, 2021

You can now compare your variants against a control group - or a group of users who do not receive any messages - when implementing split testing in Series.

When setting up a split test, just click “+ Control group” and define the percentage of your audience which should be in the control group.

To learn more about split testing and control groups in Series, check out this article.

Outbound Messaging

Prioritize companies in Series so users that belong to multiple companies only receive one message

Nicole avatar
Shared by Nicole • March 08, 2021

Introducing new company priority settings in Series 🎉

You can now set whether your Series messages are sent to every user, regardless of how many companies they belong to (meaning one user can receive multiple of the same message - one message per company they belong to in Intercom), or whether Series messages are only sent once per user, regardless of how many companies they belong to.

Setting your Series to prioritize a single company means users belonging to multiple companies that match your rules will only receive messages for the highest priority matching company. Set priority based on company attributes to ensure you’re reaching your users at the ideal place.

To learn more, check out this article.

Outbound Messaging

Target users in Series based on prior Series engagement

Nicole avatar
Shared by Nicole • March 04, 2021

You can now target users in Series based on how they’ve engaged with other Series. Set rules based on if users have…

  • Started a Series
  • Completed a Series
  • Disengaged from a series
  • Exited a Series
  • Hit a Series goal

To learn more about targeting in Series, check out this article.


New to the Intercom mobile app 📱 - conversation tagging

Priyanka avatar
Shared by Priyanka • March 03, 2021

With the latest versions of our iOS and Android apps, you can now tag conversations just like you can on the web. With this update you can also search tags, remove tags, and create new ones, giving you all the power of our web application, but on your mobile device.

To tag a conversation from the Intercom app, simply tap and hold the part of the conversation you want to tag, select “Tag this reply”, and select the tag of your choice. If you have permissions to create tags, you can also select “Create a new tag” to create a new one.

To get started, download the latest version of our app for iOS or Android.


See the metrics you care about in one place with Custom Reports 📊

Sonia avatar
Shared by Sonia • February 24, 2021

With custom reports, you can see all the metrics that matter to you, all in one place. You can measure exactly what’s relevant to your team, represented in a flexible way that’s right for your business.

  • Customize your own dashboards to fit your team’s unique needs
  • Build custom charts leveraging more of Intercom’s data–including user and conversation data attributes–for advanced reporting
  • Drill in to see the conversations behind charts to get more context for your metrics
  • Export custom charts to use the data wherever you need it

To learn more, visit our help center or take a tour.


Uncover more insights from your reporting with Conversation Topics 📊

Sonia avatar
Shared by Sonia • February 24, 2021

With conversation topics, you can now leverage ML to flexibly categorize your conversation data, helping you uncover insights, surface trends, and drive business decisions. Now, right from Intercom you can:

1) Learn exactly what their customers are talking about using an ML-generated report of the most common topics from customer conversations

2) Save time categorizing your conversations with topics that are automatically applied in the Inbox

3) Drive informed business decisions like product enhancements or support content creation through topic-level reporting

For more information on conversation topics, visit our help center or take a product tour.