New at Intercom

Know exactly where your conversations are coming from with new reporting filters and drill downs: geo and channels

Sonia avatar
Shared by Sonia • May 04, 2020

Better insights lead to better support delivery and even better conversations with your customers. Our latest Inbox reporting improvements allow you to filter and drill down into conversation data by geography and channel type, making it easier to spot opportunities to optimize your support.

Capacity planning is simpler for customers with global businesses. Our New Conversations dashboard is equipped with geo filters so you can see where new conversations are coming from around the world. You can also customize the charts you see based on country or continent by clicking the settings icon.

The new channel filters are especially helpful if you use multiple channels for customer support. Use them to view a breakdown of new conversations started by chat, email, Android app, iOS app, Twitter, or Facebook. You can even filter, group, and compare response times by channel on the Responsiveness dashboard .

To learn more about these updates and their availability, see our help docs on the New Conversations and Performance reports.


Deliver a consistent customer experience across multiple brands 🎨➡️

Priyanka avatar
Shared by Priyanka • April 23, 2020

Now you can customize the look and feel of your Messenger to match each distinct brand within your company, ensuring a consistent experience for your customers.

To learn more, visit our help center.


Control who can start new conversations with your team ✅💬

Priyanka avatar
Shared by Priyanka • April 21, 2020

To help you to prioritize and manage your inbound volume, you now can specify who can start a conversation with your team in the Messenger. For example, during busy times you may want to limit new conversations and encourage self-serve support, but still allow your VIP customers to reach a teammate.

To learn more, visit our help center.

Security & Settings

Remove conversation content from email notifications 💬➡️✉️

Ashley avatar
Shared by Ashley • March 26, 2020

After a customer engages with your team, Intercom sends an email notification that includes the content of the conversation if they don’t see the message within two minutes. Now, you can choose to remove the content from the emails, and direct customers to continue the conversation in the Messenger. This delivers a better customer experience while protecting privacy.

To learn more, visit the help center.

Outbound Messaging

Updates to Outbound messaging: new editor, names, and insights! 📊

Nicole avatar
Shared by Nicole • March 23, 2020

To make Intercom more intuitive and easy to use, we’ve made several changes to Outbound messaging:

1. Outbound in-app messages have been broken down and replaced with Chats and Posts:

  • Chats now have their own section under Outbound home
  • Posts now have their own section under Outbound home. Here you can create and manage large and small posts (previously known as Notes)

2. We’ve also made changes to our Outbound message editor to make creating outbound messages more intuitive:

  • Clearer follow-up actions: available follow-up actions now only include “Send auto reply”, “Trigger Operator’s qualification task bot”, and “Let Resolution Bot respond”
  • Easily select Chats and Posts from the channel selector when creating a new outbound message
  • Set more granular and time-bound goals to track message success in a more powerful way
  • See how your outbound messages perform over time. Use these new insights to make optimizations to further drive engagement. Just navigate to any live message and click on the “Sent”, “Opened”, or “Goals” tabs

Please note that we're slowly rolling this out to our customers over the next month. If you don't see these changes now, you will soon 🙂

Outbound Messaging
Apps & API

Include calendars in Chats & Posts messages, and more with our latest calendar app improvements 🙌

Nicole avatar
Shared by Nicole • March 18, 2020

To help you book more meetings and reduce no-shows, we’ve made several improvements to our Google Calendar and Microsoft Outlook apps:

1. Round robin lead assignment matches meeting assignment: both conversations and meetings will be assigned to the same person.

2. Book more meetings by sending calendar apps in Chats & Posts: now automatically send calendar availability via our Google Calendar and Microsoft Outlook apps through Chats, Posts, bots, or manually via Inbox.

3. Reduce confusion by showing local timezone in meeting confirmations: website visitors or customers will now see their local timezone in any meeting schedulers or confirmations, even if you’re based somewhere else ⏱

4. Time slots only show future dates: Google Calendar and Microsoft Outlook apps will only show future slots.

To learn more, check out this article.


Customize how your metrics are calculated with flexible aggregations 📊

Sonia avatar
Shared by Sonia • February 27, 2020

Want to know your team’s average response time? Or see what’s the max length for closing a conversation? Starting today, you can easily answer those questions with our new flexible aggregations.

Across the Response Time, First Response Time and Time to Close charts you can now slice your conversation data in more ways so that it meets your exact reporting needs. Simply click on the Edit icon to change the default aggregation from the median to average, min or max.

To learn more about flexible aggregations and their availability, read our help article.


Reduce inbound chat volume with Resolution Bot

LeighAnne avatar
Shared by LeighAnne • February 25, 2020

Meet Resolution Bot — an upgrade to Answer Bot that's so big we gave it a new name.

Now you can:

1. Speed up self-service with Auto-suggest answers by surfacing relevant answers based on what customers are typing– before they even hit the enter key!

2. Resolution Bot now has multilingual capabilities, providing answers in Spanish, French, Italian, Brazilian Portuguese, Russian, and German- and can automatically detect which language is being used based on your customer’s browser settings.

3. Launched in Q3, answer targeting lets you decide who your chatbot engages with for each individual answer, and customize the answers it delivers based on targeting criteria you select like customer spend, contract type, and more.

4. Add Resolution Bot to the end of your Custom Bot paths to answer your most common questions automatically when they arise in other conversations.

5. This update will also introduce a separate bot inbox for your Resolution Bot and Custom Bot conversations, so you can focus on the conversations that need human attention.

6. You can also choose to exclude Bot inbox time from SLAs so they only start counting down after a conversation leaves that inbox

7. Resolution Bot gives clearer views into performance, so you know exactly how your bot is performing. You'll know what answers need to be optimized, as Resolution Bot will flag your underperforming answers. You'll also be able to see the exact impact bots are having on your conversation metrics by filtering reporting to include bot interactions

8. Create answers from existing conversations- Now you can take the answers you wrote in live chats and save them as Resolution Bot answers. That way you never have to answer the same question twice.

Get started with Resolution Bot, or click learn more about it. For more information on auto-suggest answers and bot inbox, visit our help articles.


It's now even easier to manage and create macros for faster, more consistent support

Mary avatar
Shared by Mary • February 21, 2020

Macros (formerly saved replies) are a powerful tool for shortening response times, all while keeping a support team's interactions consistent. But as your team and customer base grows, the number of macros can become unwieldy.

To help you empower your team to provide fast, consistent support, we’ve made it easier to manage, create and use macros.

  • Control who can create, edit or delete saved replies by giving specific teammates the "Macros" permission.
  • Streamline your workflow with a new settings page that lets you see, review and manage your entire library of macros.
  • Make it easy for your team to find the exact macro they need. Simply type #shortcut to see all saved replies that contain the keywords you typed.
  • Use one less click to preview the content of your macro. Simply hover over the title to verify it’s the right one to insert.

To learn more about macros, read this help article.

Apps & API

Start using new apps faster and get support when you need it with new features for our App Store⚡️

Mark avatar
Shared by Mark • February 19, 2020

Apps improve both customer experience and team efficiency — enabling actions in the Business Messenger, keeping data in-sync across your tech stack, and triggering workflows in other tools — but sometimes it can be tricky to know how to get started using new apps. With our latest additions to app listings, you can now:

  • Set up and start using apps faster by following step-by-step instructions
  • Quickly resolve app issues by contacting app developers directly from the listing
  • Make sure your teammates know about valuable apps by inviting them to use apps with one click

Many apps already have these features available — with more to come soon! Check them out in the listings for apps installed on your workspace.