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Grow your Mailchimp audience and support them faster with our improved Mailchimp Subscribe app

Mark avatar
Shared by Mark • May 31, 2019

Now you can view subscriber data and adjust subscriptions in Mailchimp right from Intercom. You can also send subscriptions forms in conversations to quickly capture new subscribers. Learn more by reading our updated documentation and to get started, head to our App Store.

Apps & API

Provide faster payments support and drive more upgrades with the improved Stripe app 💳

Mary avatar
Shared by Mary • May 31, 2019

No more switching tabs to find payment details or adjust a customer's plan. Now you can easily view Stripe data inside your Intercom Inbox like subscription plan, recent payments and account balance. You can even initiate subscription upgrades inside conversations with customers. Learn more by reading our updated documentation and to get started, head to our App Store.


Preview Custom Bots and collect open-text responses 👀🤖✍

LeighAnne avatar
Shared by LeighAnne • May 30, 2019

Now you can preview Custom Bots on your website or in your app so you can test before setting them live.

Additionally, it's now possible to collect open-text replies without using a Custom Data Attribute. This allows you to ask open-ended questions and capture information that’s relevant to the conversation, such as a feature request or problem report.


View all your reports in one place with our new home for reporting! 📊🏠

Sonia avatar
Shared by Sonia • May 28, 2019

We’ve centralized all of our reporting so that you have one, easy-to-access place to understand how Intercom is performing across every product you use. You’ll now see a dedicated tab for Reports in the main navigation bar.

In addition to housing our existing reports for Inbox, Messages, Articles, and Operator, we’re also introducing a new Overview report. View this report to get insights like:

  • How many new leads and users you are tracking over time
  • Which webpages, messages, and bots are driving the most conversations
  • A snapshot into key metrics like median first response time and conversation ratings

For more information, check out our docs.

Product Tours

Easily rearrange the steps in your product tours  🔀 ✨

Priyanka avatar
Shared by Priyanka • May 22, 2019

You can now change the order of steps in your tours by dragging and dropping in the editor, making it much easier to add in new steps, or change up the order as you build.

Learn more about Product Tours in our docs.

Product Tours

Make product tours more interactive by requiring customers to fill in text to progress ⌨️🚦

Priyanka avatar
Shared by Priyanka • May 22, 2019

You can now ask people to fill in a text field in order to progress through a tour. For example, you could prompt a user to name their project before they move on to the next step.

Learn more about Product Tours in our docs.

Product Tours

Optimize your product tours with insight into where people drop off 📊 🏁

Priyanka avatar
Shared by Priyanka • May 16, 2019

Now you can see how many people view each step of a tour making it easy to identify where you can improve.

Product Tours

Personalize product tours for key customers by sending them from their Account Owner 🙋‍♀️📬🗺

Priyanka avatar
Shared by Priyanka • May 15, 2019

When you select "Owner" in the "Author" field, you will also select a fallback teammate in case a recipient does not have an account owner. This feature is only available on our Messages Premium plan.


👀Control who sees your help content – and who can't – with private articles 🔒📄

LeighAnne avatar
Shared by LeighAnne • May 15, 2019

With audience targeting, you can keep your help content out of sight from visitors and competitors. Available on Articles Pro, this new feature lets you publish private articles for logged-in users and then seamlessly share it with them in product, on your Messenger, help center and more.

To learn more about audience targeting, check out this help article.


Manage high conversation volume, effortlessly, with workload management

Priyanka avatar
Shared by Priyanka • May 14, 2019

As your business grows, so can your inbound conversation volume. With workload management, you can help your sales and support teams keep response times fast, even as your customer base multiplies. Key benefits include:

✅Provide faster replies to customers by ensuring new conversations are only sent to available teammates.

✅Prevent team burnout by setting assignment limits and automatically disabling new conversations from starting when your team is already at capacity.

✅Quickly see what inboxes are approaching or hitting their assignment limits.

Workload management is available on Inbox Premium. To learn more about the feature, see our help article.