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Customer Data Platform

Capture and save qualification information in Custom Bot flows

LeighAnne avatar
Shared by LeighAnne • October 03, 2018

💾 📂🤖

Collect and store lead qualification data while simultaneously branching (or routing) leads down the best path for their needs. Saving responses from these Custom Bot flows, such as vertical or target market, equips your sales and marketing teams with valuable context to improve future conversations or nurture programs.


Tailor your bot to your brand by customizing Operator’s bot identity

LeighAnne avatar
Shared by LeighAnne • September 20, 2018

🎨🤖Now you can customize Operator’s bot identity to reflect your company’s unique brand, providing a consistent brand experience for your customers. Simply enter a name and a picture or fresh color scheme to make it feel like part of your company!

For more information, read this article.

Security & Settings

Advanced customization and security for your Intercom Messenger and emails 🎨🔓

Ashley avatar
Shared by Ashley • September 17, 2018

You can now customize the messenger and email to further match your brand and increase security for your team:

  • Match the brand of your business by removing the ability for visitors and customers to view, search, and add gifs in the Messenger
  • Prevent your team from receiving potentially malicious content and sensitive data by blocking attachments in the Messenger and in emails

These additional customization and security options are available on our new Premium plans. You can compare all plans on our pricing page here.


Stay on top of your sales team's performance with new reports 📊

Mary avatar
Shared by Mary • September 14, 2018

Now you can easily see performance of different sales teams and teammates. See opportunities, pipeline and revenue generated. See how many meetings teams have booked, their response times and a leaderboard for largest deals closed.

Sales Team Performance Reports are powered by our Salesforce app and available on our new Inbox Premium plan. To learn more, check out this doc.

Outbound Messaging

Measure the impact of your messages with control groups 👥 ⚗️

Priyanka avatar
Shared by Priyanka • September 14, 2018

Control group testing withholds your message from half the audience, so you can measure the difference in behavior between the control group and those who receive the message. It’s a powerful, data-driven way to validate message performance, set benchmarks, and eliminate low-impact messages. Control groups are available on our Messages Premium plan.

Learn more about using control groups in our help docs.


Get visibility into key revenue metrics with new Revenue Reports 📈

Mary avatar
Shared by Mary • September 14, 2018

Now you can instantly see how Intercom is impacting your funnel. With Revenue Reports, you'll know:

  • How many opportunities and how much pipeline and revenue Intercom has influenced
  • How many leads and emails Intercom has captured
  • Which landing pages and messages generate the most opportunities, pipeline, and revenue, as well as conversations started and your average response time
  • How many leads Operator has qualified, disqualified, routed to support, booked meetings with and created in Salesforce

Revenue Reports are powered by our Salesforce app and available on our new Inbox Premium plan. To learn more about Revenue Reports, check out this doc.

Customer Data Platform
Outbound Messaging
Apps & API

Identify visitors and personalize outreach with our updated Clearbit Reveal app

Mark avatar
Shared by Mark • September 10, 2018

💡Make sure that the time and money you spend driving visitors to your website pay off. Know who your visitors are as soon as they land on your website and send them personalized messages using Clearbit data.

We’ve updated our Clearbit Reveal app so that you can use Clearbit data in more places. In addition to sending highly targeted auto messages and customizing which visitors can see your Messenger, you can now:

  • Engage visitors with personalized auto messages by inserting Clearbit data – like industry, company location, or even tech stack – into your messages
  • Get leads to the right reps faster by routing conversations based on Clearbit data, like company size
  • Have all the information you need at your fingertips by viewing Clearbit data in your Intercom Inbox or using the data to segment leads in your Intercom Platform

Install the app from the Intercom App Store (Premium plan required), or see our docs to learn more.


Experiment with bot flows by duplicating Custom Bots

LeighAnne avatar
Shared by LeighAnne • September 06, 2018

🤖🖨Now it’s easy to replicate existing Custom Bots. Experiment and test new configurations - such as different target audiences or button responses - without starting from scratch or impacting any live Custom Bots.

Apps & API

Improve your automation at scale with our updated webhooks and APIs 🛠

Mark avatar
Shared by Mark • August 29, 2018

You now have more flexibility than ever before to trigger actions, filter conversations, and assign teammates using Intercom's webhooks and APIs. This means your team can automate more workflows and efficiently handle sales and support conversations at scale.

With the updates, you can:

  • Trigger actions or filter conversations based on conversation tags with our new Conversation Tagged Webhook
  • Check if teammates are available for a conversation – or set teammates to away and reaasign their conversations – with our updated Admins API
  • Route and re-route conversations by running assignment rules at any point in a conversation with our new Run Assignment Rules API

Explore our developer docs to learn more, or get started building an app.


Download, save and share transcripts of your conversations ⬇️ 📁

Priyanka avatar
Shared by Priyanka • August 14, 2018

Now teammates in the Inbox and customers using the Messenger can download a text file transcript of their conversation.

  • Teammates can now easily share valuable customer conversations about feature requests or bugs with colleagues who don't use Intercom.
  • Customers now have a more flexible way to save information like tracking codes or reference numbers for use later on.