New at Intercom

Get leads to the right reps faster by auto-assigning them to their account owners in Salesforce

Priyanka avatar
Shared by Priyanka β€’ May 15, 2018

You can now set and sync account owners from Salesforce for every lead and user in Intercom. You can also set owners manually or automatically via our API. Check it out:

With this new feature you can:

  • Auto-assign new messages from leads and users to their account owners via Operator and assignment rules
  • Get alerts for all conversations started by accounts you own
  • Create a custom segment to see all accounts you own from the lead and user list
  • Easily message all accounts you own by using the β€œOwner” attribute when creating a message

To learn more, check out our doc here.

Apps & API

Meet the all-new Business Messenger, it's more than just chat 🎊

Mark avatar
Shared by Mark β€’ April 24, 2018

We've reimagined what a Business Messenger should be, going beyond just chat to help you accelerate growth across the entire customer lifecycle – sales, marketing and support.

Watch this quick video to see what's new:

Customizable home screen The perfect front desk for your website or app - create tailored experiences for leads and customers when they open the Messenger.

Messenger apps Complete actions in the Messenger seamlessly with a growing library of apps for Stripe, Statuspage, Shopify, Google Meet, Aircall, Product Hunt and more.Extensible platform Create your own Messenger apps to suit your unique workflows – and enable entirely new ones.

Plus, there are new customization options, sounds and more. Best of all, the new Messenger and new apps are 100% free to use with any Intercom subscription. To learn more, visit your Messenger Settings.

Apps & API

Feature your most compelling content with the Content Showcase App

Mark avatar
Shared by Mark β€’ April 23, 2018

Display relevant and important content in the home screen when leads and users open the Messenger. Link out to your most recent blog post, product update, or any other piece of engaging content you want to showcase .

To learn more about this app see our docs or check out the new Messenger here.

Apps & API

Make it easier for people to help themselves with the Article Search app πŸ”Ž

LeighAnne avatar
Shared by LeighAnne β€’ April 23, 2018

The Article Search app puts your Help Center front and center inside the Messenger. Now, your customers can search and view Articles anywhere on your site or app, empowering them to help themselves without having to start a conversation.

To learn more about this app see our docs or check out the new Messenger here.

Apps & API

Make upselling seamless with the Stripe Subscriptions app πŸ’°

Mark avatar
Shared by Mark β€’ April 23, 2018

Increase trial and upgrade conversions by creating a simple billing experience that both your sales team and customers will love.

Instead of having to initiate a subscription in a separate admin tool or asking a trial customer to visit their billing settings, simply add the Stripe Subscriptions app to a conversation to create an upgrade CTA in the Messenger with the right plan and discounts.To learn more about this app see our docs or check out the new Messenger here.

Apps & API

Let customers see their order status with the Shopify app πŸ›’

Mark avatar
Shared by Mark β€’ April 23, 2018

Allow your customers to proactively check up on their order status right in your Messenger Home. If your customers are logged in, they won’t even have to search to see their orders.

The Shopify app helps reduce the volume of questions your support team is getting around order status. It's the fastest way for your customers to self serve and check up on their orders.To learn more about this app see our docs or check out the new Messenger here.

Apps & API

Simplify demo requests and generate more leads with the Get a Demo app πŸ™‹β€β™€οΈ

Mark avatar
Shared by Mark β€’ April 23, 2018

Enable your prospects to request a demo right in your Messenger Home without needing to start a conversation.

Choose exactly what qualification data you want to collect, and once they've submitted their details, your lead will be tagged in Intercom so your sales team can easily follow up or add them to a nurture campaign.To learn more about this app see our docs or check out the new Messenger here.

Apps & API

Focus on selling not scheduling with the Google Calendar Meetings app

LeighAnne avatar
Shared by LeighAnne β€’ April 23, 2018

πŸ—“Eliminate the annoying back and forth that happens when trying to schedule a meeting, instead, use the Google Calendar Meetings app. Now your most valuable customers and leads can easily set up a meeting with you or a provided teammate in the Messenger.

Once a meeting is booked, it will be added to your Google Calendar along with a confirmation email. Simply connect your Google Calendar to Intercom to get started.To learn more about this app see our docs or check out the new Messenger here.

Apps & API

Boost your ranking and generate awareness with the Product Hunt app β–²πŸ“ˆ

Mark avatar
Shared by Mark β€’ April 23, 2018

Whenever you launch something new on Product Hunt, feature it on the home screen of your Messenger to get more upvotes and increase awareness to help grow your customer-base. Check out the new Messenger here.

Apps & API

Capture more subscribers with the MailChimp Subscribe app πŸ“©πŸ“ˆ

Mark avatar
Shared by Mark β€’ April 23, 2018

With the MailChimp Subscribe app, you can get new email subscribers straight from your Messenger Home and sync them with your MailChimp lists. You can also offer a reward for people who submit their email, such as a discount code, or downloadable content.

To learn more about this app see our docs or check out the new Messenger here.