New at Intercom

Sort items by when they were started in chat layout

Andrea avatar
Shared by Andrea • March 01, 2024

Sorting conversations and tickets in the order they started can now be done from chat layout with two new sort options – Started first, and Started last.

Previously only available in table layout, these sorting options will show a list of items that won't change position. That can make it easier for fast moving teams to keep track of which conversations they want to reply to first e.g. you can more easily take a 'first come first serve' approach.

Security & Settings

Link tooltips in email conversations

Andrea avatar
Shared by Andrea • March 01, 2024

From today you will see tooltips for links in inbound emails to make it easier for you to preview them. Images will also contain a link icon to make it more obvious that they're linked.

Where links are trusted (Intercom owned domains) the link icon and tooltips will appear on a white background.

When untrusted, they’ll appear on an orange background, and you’ll see a warning icon instead of a link icon. You’ll also see an orange overlay on top of the image that will disappear on hover, allowing you to see the full image.

When clicking on an untrusted link, you’ll see a quick warning page. This page shows you the full URL of the link and ensures you’re able to review the full link before opening it.

These changes should make it easier to spot links in inbound emails and check for any malicious or phishing URLs.

New feature

Unlock new levels of customization & insights with enhanced chart features in Custom Reports 📊

Mark avatar
Shared by Mark • February 16, 2024

This latest update is all about enhancing how you visualize and interpret your data.

  • Comparative Chart Types: Discover new insights with Donut, Area, and Relative Stacked Charts, enabling better comparison and understanding of complex data relationships.
  • Advanced Tools for Comparative Insights: Upgrade your charts with Target Setting, Time Period Comparison, and Table Summary Rows, enabling richer, more focused comparisons across objectives and timeframes.

Ready to explore these new features today? 👇

Tell us what you think & help us further improve our reporting features – access the survey link directly within the feature.



Fin now supports your customers in 45 languages

Julia avatar
Shared by Julia • February 13, 2024

Fin multilingual is now out of Beta and available to all. Support your customers with Fin in 45 languages—no extra setup required.

In addition to English, Fin now supports conversations in Arabic, Bengali, Bosnian, Brazilian Portuguese, Bulgarian, Catalan, Croatian, Czech, Danish, Dutch, Estonian, Finnish, French, German, German (Formal), Greek, Hebrew, Hindi, Hungarian, Indonesian, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Latviski, Lithuanian, Malay, Norwegian, Persian, Polish, Portuguese, Romanian, Russian, Serbian, Simplified Chinese, Slovenian, Spanish, Swahili, Swedish, Thai, Traditional Chinese, Turkish, Ukrainian, Vietnamese, and Англи хэл (Mongolian).

Multilingual for Fin has enabled powerful new use cases including AI-powered customer service, automatic customer resolutions, and 24/7 support for new countries and for non-English speaking customers. Multilingual for Fin makes it easier than ever to offer consistent, repeatable support wherever your customers are and in whatever language they interact in.

During the Beta, we saw our customers' average Resolution Rate increase by 7pp (over 30%).

It’s also incredibly easy to keep on top of Fin’s performance across the different languages and regions where you offer support. Simply filter the Fin Report by language to see resolution rate, deflection rate, answer rate, involvement rate and more (including our newest report for unresolved questions).

AI Agent

Duplicate Custom Answers as a reusable workflow

Julia avatar
Shared by Julia • February 05, 2024

You can now duplicate a Custom Answer as a reusable workflow—making it faster than ever to build great automations.

To start, navigate to the Custom Answer you wish to duplicate. Click on More > Duplicate. You will then be prompted to select “Reusable workflow”.

Now you also have the option to utilize this reusable workflow in another Custom Answer or any other workflow of your choice.

Any change made to the reusable workflow will update wherever that workflow is being used—reducing time spent managing automations.

Learn more about reusable workflows here.

AI Agent
Product update

Boost your chatbot resolutions with our new report 📈✨

Julia avatar
Shared by Julia • February 05, 2024

Our new 'Unresolved questions' report allows you to gain insight into the questions that are unresolved by Fin.

With this, you can see a high-level view of the questions, or zoom into individual conversations to pinpoint areas for improvement in your content or AI Chatbot setup.

Create a new piece of content (or edit an existing piece) that answers the unresolved question. Next time a user asks the same question, the chatbot will know the answer!

Feature update

Tracker tickets in Workflows and other ticket workflow improvements 💪

Sze avatar
Shared by Sze • January 26, 2024

Automating ticket actions in Workflows helps your team save time and streamlines your ticket processes.

Here are some improvements we’ve made to ticket actions in Workflows:

  1. Tracker tickets can now be used in Workflows, expanding their application beyond Back-office tickets and Customer tickets only.
  2. More intuitive ticket workflow set up. You now have the ability to directly target Customer tickets, Back-office tickets, or Tracker tickets when configuring a trigger. This is easier than the previous method where conditions needed to be added to target a ticket category correctly.

Read more about Tickets and how to use them in Workflows here.

New feature

Trigger a Workflow on conversation assignment changes

Mark avatar
Shared by Mark • January 24, 2024

When a teammate assigns a conversation to team, you can now trigger a Workflow that automates follow-up tasks like adding a note 🗒️, applying an SLA ⏰, or summarizing the conversation using AI 🤖.

Feature update

See who created conversations and tickets 👀

Ellie avatar
Shared by Ellie • January 17, 2024

You can now see who created an outbound conversation or ticket in the details sidebar and in table layout, as well as filter views and search results by creator.

You’ll be able to:

  • Search for items created by you or another teammate in search using the ‘Created by’ filter.
  • Create views using the ‘Creator’ filter.
  • See ‘Created by’ in the conversation attributes section of the details sidebar for conversations and customer tickets.
  • Add ‘Created by’ as a column in table layout to see creators for outbound conversations and all tickets.

Read more about how it works here.

New feature

Better Understand Your Data with Reporting Datasets

Mark avatar
Shared by Mark • January 16, 2024

Your Intercom reporting data is now organized into various reporting datasets. Each dataset comprises a set of metrics and attributes, which you can utilize to create charts and reports.

Here's what's new in this release:

  • We have restructured our reporting data into 9 datasets, providing you with a well-organized and thoroughly documented view of all reporting metrics and attributes.
  • Several metrics now feature net new attributes for enhanced filtering and segmentation, as attributes within a dataset are now available to all its metrics.
  • We've enriched our datasets by introducing 21 net new attributes, all accessible through our innovative chart drill-in feature.
  • To simplify chart creation, we have updated the names of some existing attributes, making it easier for you to decide which ones to use

To learn more about this release, click on the button below.
