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Outbound Messaging

Control who can see the Messenger on your website

Priyanka avatar
Shared by Priyanka • September 14, 2017

Chat to more of the types of leads you want by only displaying the Messenger to specific visitors based on page, behavior, location, Clearbit Reveal data, and more.

For example, you might only want to allow leads from large companies or leads showing signs of purchase intent to chat with you.

Set up Messenger Visibility in your messenger settings or find out more in our docs.


Evenly distribute conversations with Round Robin Assignment

Priyanka avatar
Shared by Priyanka • September 14, 2017

You can now automatically assign conversations to available team members on a rotating basis, making it easy to fairly share leads or support queries between your team.

You can choose Round Robin Assignment:

  • for any existing or new assignment rules
  • as a follow-up action for Operator’s Lead Qualification skill
  • when routing replies to Auto or Manual Messages

Read our docs to find out more.


Know the value of live chat with the Leads Report 📊

Priyanka avatar
Shared by Priyanka • September 14, 2017

The all-new Leads Report makes it easy to see the impact of live chat for your business.

In this new report you can see:

  • The number of leads captured over time
  • Which of your Visitor Auto Messages generate the most leads
  • Your average first response time
  • How many qualified leads you’ve sent to Salesforce

Find it in your Respond Reports, or take a look at our docs for more information.

Outbound Messaging

Capture visitor email addresses and automate follow-up actions

Priyanka avatar
Shared by Priyanka • September 14, 2017

You can now ask visitors to enter their email address in response to a Visitor Auto Message and take follow-up actions when they do.

For example, you can target specific visitors on your website and ask for their email address in exchange for content such as a webinar or coupon.

Once a visitor enters their email address, you can choose to automatically:

  • Send a reply, such as a thank you, download link or a coupon code
  • Tag the lead so they’re automatically added to your message campaigns in Intercom
  • Assign the conversation to a team or teammate
  • Create a lead in Salesforce

Try it out in your next Visitor Auto Message, or find out more in our docs.

Outbound Messaging

Send Auto Messages only when you’re available to respond

Priyanka avatar
Shared by Priyanka • September 14, 2017

Choose specific trigger times for your Auto Messages so they only send when your team is able to reply. For example, you might only want to proactively message leads on your website during your business hours.

You can choose to trigger each User or Visitor Auto Message based on your team’s Office Hours or for any custom time period. Read more about how it works in our docs.

Outbound Messaging

Optimize Visitor Auto Messages with A/B testing, referral targeting, and new styles

Priyanka avatar
Shared by Priyanka • September 14, 2017

We've made Visitor Auto Messages more powerful to help you capture even more leads from your website.

You can now:

  • Choose how much attention you want your message to grab with new Post and Note styles
  • A/B test different versions of your messages so you can determine what’s most effective
  • Trigger messages to visitors coming from specific sites with Referral URL targeting

Try these options when setting up your next Visitor Auto Message, or check out our docs for more on setting up effective messages.


📊 All-New Respond Reports: Monitor, optimize, and improve performance over time

Priyanka avatar
Shared by Priyanka • September 12, 2017

We’ve completely rebuilt Insights for Respond. An all-new Reports section makes it easy to track your individual teammates, teams, and organizational performance, so you can see what’s happening and where you can improve.

A few highlights:

  • Insights into customer happiness, conversation volume, and responsiveness
  • Performance drill-down by team and teammate
  • Filter by selected date range

Explore all of the new Reports here. Visit our docs for more details.

Note: Respond Reports replaces Respond Insights.

Outbound Messaging
Apps & API

All-new, two-way Salesforce integration 

Nicole avatar
Shared by Nicole • August 14, 2017

We've built a brand new two-way integration that makes the combination of Intercom and Salesforce a whole lot more powerful.

  • Create Salesforce leads in one click from the inbox or profiles - no more copy-pasting 😍
  • Send conversations to Salesforce as tasks to keep track of customer interactions 🙌
  • Use Salesforce data in Intercom to get context, auto assign conversations and trigger messages 💥

Set up takes just a couple of clicks from the integrations hub. Check out our docs for more details.

Note: This replaces our previous Salesforce integration. If you're using the old integration, it will continue to work but we recommend installing the new one as it lets you do much more.

Outbound Messaging

Meet our new bot: Operator

Priyanka avatar
Shared by Priyanka • August 08, 2017

We’re excited to introduce Operator, our new bot for better customer experiences. Watch this quick video to see Operator in action:

Operator is simple, smart, and helpful

  • Automated skills: Operator owns simple tasks without any help from your team
  • Continuous improvement: Powered by machine learning, Operator gets smarter over time
  • Tactful interactions: Every interaction is designed to give the best customer experience

You can manage and discover skills of Operator in settings or check out our docs to learn more.


Set custom timers for snoozed conversations 😴  

Priyanka avatar
Shared by Priyanka • August 02, 2017

When you snooze a conversation you now have the option to choose a specific day and time for the conversation to reopen. This can be really helpful when you need to follow up on a conversation on a specific date that isn't covered in our quick preset options.

To learn more check out our docs.