New at Intercom
Outbound Messaging


Priyanka avatar
Shared by Priyanka • December 02, 2016

You can now turn off advanced keyboard shortcuts in the team inbox. If you would like to change your keyboard shortcut settings, just press from anywhere in Intercom.

Outbound Messaging

We’ve released our new borderless Messenger design to all customers.

Priyanka avatar
Shared by Priyanka • November 30, 2016

This new design allows people to have conversations with your team on your website and web apps without needing to open the full Messenger. Check out our docs to learn more.


Now when people start conversations on your website they can choose to be notified via SMS when your team responds

Priyanka avatar
Shared by Priyanka • November 14, 2016

Adding SMS gives website visitors more flexibility to choose the channel that is right for them, which generates more leads for your business. Beta customers who enabled this feature saw a 30% lift in leads captured. Here's how it works:

After starting a conversation, visitors can now choose to be notified via SMS:

When your team responds, the visitor will be notified and can jump right back into the conversation on your website:

To turn on SMS notifications for your website just head to your messenger settings to opt-in. And you can learn more about it on our docs site.


We’ve updated the email collector in our new Messenger to increase the percentage of people that leave their email address after starting a conversation on your website. In our beta tests, the new design increased email collection by over 80%.

Priyanka avatar
Shared by Priyanka • October 06, 2016

Previously, when a visitor started a new conversation or replied to a visitor auto message, the email collector appeared immediately and on its own. We’ve added a message before the email collector that helps set visitor expectations and encourages them to provide their email address. We also delay showing the email collector in real-time scenarios. And now all these components are visible in the teammate inbox. Check out our docs to learn more.

Outbound Messaging

We've added a new teammate profile walkthrough to the Intercom Conversions app for iOS and Android. Now you can personalize your Intercom profile by adding a profile picture, job title, personal bio, and social accounts from your mobile device.

Priyanka avatar
Shared by Priyanka • September 26, 2016

You can change or update your profile information at any time by selecting the editor badge next to your profile picture.

Download Intercom Conversations for iOS and Android today.

Apps & API

We’ve released a new integration with Shopify to help you turn visitors to your online store into happy, repeat customers.

Mark avatar
Shared by Mark • September 23, 2016

The integration installs the Messenger on your Shopify store and tracks your visitors’ actions as events in Intercom so you can better engage, convert and support them.

Find out more in our docs or install the integration from the Shopify App Store.


We've renamed our product for customer support, previously "Intercom Support", to "Intercom Resolve". Just the name has changed, nothing else.

Priyanka avatar
Shared by Priyanka • September 14, 2016

This change is in preparation for some exciting new features we're working on. Stay tuned :)

Outbound Messaging

New campaign goal: Replied to any campaign message

Priyanka avatar
Shared by Priyanka • September 13, 2016

We've made some improvements to Smart Campaigns to give you more control over when people leave your campaign and new rules to trigger follow-up messages.

This new goal is helpful if you're trying to start a conversation with people in your campaign, but don't want them to receive additional messages once they reply to one. When people reach the goal, they'll be removed from the campaign.

New message engagement rules: Replied, unsubscribed, and bounced

You can now trigger messages inside of campaigns when someone has or hasn't replied to another message. This allows you to follow up on messages that asked for a response but didn't get one, or, prevent users from receiving specific messages if they respond to another.

You can also now trigger messages when someone unsubscribes or their email bounces. This allows you to send follow-up communications via in-app messages, or, ask them to update their email address.

Outbound Messaging

Auto messages to visitors are now in the Engage

Priyanka avatar
Shared by Priyanka • August 30, 2016

We've relocated several features to reside under the products they're available on:

Outbound Messaging

you must upgrade to Personal Access Tokens or OAuth

Priyanka avatar
Shared by Priyanka • August 29, 2016

We’ve released Personal Access Tokens, which – along with OAuth – replace API Keys as the method for authorizing access to your data.

If you're using API Keys – whether to access your own Intercom data through the API or to access other people's data through an integration you’ve built – as soon as possible.

You'll find all the information you need to upgrade here, including key dates.

If you’ve provided your API Key to a third party in order to use an integration you don’t need to take any action. Those integrations may prompt you to reauthenticate once they’ve upgraded to OAuth, which takes just a couple of clicks.