New at Intercom
Outbound Messaging

We’ve made several improvements to the ways you can compose manual messages:

Priyanka avatar
Shared by Priyanka • December 11, 2015
  • For manual messages composed from the user list, you can now use rich formatting and add images, videos, and more.
  • Manual messages based on rules will now use a single page composer (similar to the one used for auto messages). This allows you to edit your audience at any time before sending.
  • Lastly, you can now create a new message from the manual message list.

Give these changes a try and let us know what you think.


We’ve released a new version of our iOS app with support for 3D touch and several other improvements:

Priyanka avatar
Shared by Priyanka • December 10, 2015
  1. 3D Touching the app's icon on iPhone 6s and iPhone 6s Plus enables you to launch into a specific inbox or into the People list
  2. You can now peek and pop conversations, user profiles and links using 3D touch
  3. If the last action on a conversation was a note, your next action by default will be a note as well. This should save you from accidentally responding to a user with what you thought was a note 😉
  4. We've swapped the Saved Replies button in conversations with a button to switch between writing a note and reply

Outbound Messaging

We’ve made two improvements to the information we show about teammates in the web Messenger:

Priyanka avatar
Shared by Priyanka • November 24, 2015

1. Teammates are now considered active as long as they have the Intercom web app open, or if they reply to a conversation from web, mobile, or email. This improves the accuracy of a teammate's last active state.

2. We’ve also improved how we determine which teammates' avatars appear in the app profile card. We now only show teammates who have been the first to reply to a user-initiated conversation in the last week. This helps ensure your users see the people most likely to reply to their message.


We’ve just taken our newest product, Acquire, out of beta. We’ve also added three big new features to help you have more conversations with visitors to your website and help them become customers:

Priyanka avatar
Shared by Priyanka • October 20, 2015
  • A friendlier and more engaging launcher for the Intercom Messenger
  • Auto Messaging visitors based on their behavior on your website (Pro)
  • Insights into conversation volume, visitor auto message performance, and how they benchmark against other Intercom customers’ (Pro)

Here is a quick video to show you how they work:

You can add Acquire to your existing account or learn more about the product here.

Outbound Messaging

When you reply to a user or contact's message and they're not on your site or in your app, they'll receive your response via email. We've standardized the look of email replies so they're consistent, casual, and personal. Here's how they look:

Priyanka avatar
Shared by Priyanka • September 28, 2015

This new design will be used in all cases except for when a user replies to a plain email. In this case, the plain email template will be used for the admin's reply for consistency.