⚠️ For Article search in the Messenger home screen, read this article.
⚠️ If your mobile app uses:
Version 14.0.1 of the iOS SDK or later.
Version 14.0.1 of the Android SDK or later.
Read this article for the setting up the Messenger on mobile.
If you add the Article search app to a Workflow, your customers will see a simplified Help Center search experience:
After searching, they'll see the top three results, which they can open directly in the Messenger.
If your article is longer than the height of the Messenger your customer can simply scroll down to read the rest of the article.
You can’t add the article search app to conversations while chatting to customers via the Inbox. But, you can share relevant articles with your customers, while you chat to them.
On older mobile SDKs
If you add the Article search app to your messenger home, but have yet to upgrade your mobile SDKs, you will see the same simplified search experience as above.
We recommend upgrading to:
Version 14.0.1 of the iOS SDK or later.
Version 14.0.1 of the Android SDK or later.
On the latest mobile SDKs
If you install or upgrade to the latest mobile SDKs (v14.0.1 or higher), you'll be able to provide customers with a full in-context help center whenever they use the Article search app. Find out more.
What’s next?
To ensure you’re giving your customers the answers they’re looking for you should:
Provide your customers with the right types of content.
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