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Track and resolve your Product Tour's issues

Check if your tours are showing correctly to customers in the 'Issues' tab.

Liam Keegan avatar
Written by Liam Keegan
Updated over 4 months ago

When you set a tour live, you’ll see how many customers have viewed and completed it over time. You’ll also find any issues it has had in the ‘Issues’ tab. Just click ‘Issues’ to see more:

Here, you’ll see each time your tour has experienced an issue with finding a CSS selector: 

A CSS selector is a piece of code that’s used to identify the part of your site your pointer should point to.

This report tracks an issue when a tour successfully delivers to a customer, but one of the website elements you’ve chosen to point to isn’t visible on the page. When an issue occurs, your pointer will show to customers in a non-pointing state, like this:

For guidance on fixing CSS issues, read this article.

Other issues to check

There are also three issues this report doesn’t show, that will either stop your tour from sending or completing:

  • If your tour’s first pointer message is targeted at an element that can’t be found on the page, the tour won't send. If you see that your tour isn’t sending to anyone, you should test if you can show it on the page you’ve targeted.
    ☝️ This can happen even if the first pointer message isn't the first message in the tour. For example, if your first message is a post, and your second message is a pointer.

  • If you use the ‘click to advance’ option, your tour will bring customers to a new page. If your next message points to an element that doesn’t appear on the new page, the tour won’t continue.

  • If your app uses a fixed position or "sticky" navigation menu (which remains in place while the rest of the page scrolls), this can affect how tour elements are scrolled into view:

With a fixed navigation bar, you may see tour pointers misaligned with the element they are highlighting:

To resolve this issue, you'll need to add a line of CSS to the element in question:

scroll-margin-top: (height of your navbar)px;

For example, if your navbar is 30px high and your button has the ID "button4" you would add the following:

#button4 {
scroll-margin-top: 30px;

This will ensure the pointer is correctly aligned. 👍

If you see low send or completion rates, you should test for these issues.


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