Even after meeting all requirements to enable the tickets portal, users of the ticket portal might still encounter access issues.
Here are possible errors and steps to troubleshoot each:
“The tickets portal is disabled”
The tickets portal for your Help Center could still be disabled. Please verify that it’s been enabled in Settings > Inbox > Tickets > Tickets portal. Refer to the instructions here on how to enable the tickets portal for more information.
“You are not logged in”
If you are trying to access the tickets portal and see the error “You are not logged in”, it can mean two things.
1. That the user is not logged into the Messenger. To verify if a user is properly logged in, check if their user name appears in the Messenger. If it doesn’t, please log in to the web app using the user’s credentials. Make sure the Messenger appears on the web app after logging in. 👇
2. If the user is logged in but is still seeing an error, it may be due to not having cookie forwarding set up correctly.
“You do not have permissions to access the tickets portal. You do not have a user role”
This error usually indicates that the person trying to access the portal isn’t logged in correctly. If they navigate to the tickets portal without being logged in, the Help Center will log the user in as a lead. The lead will not have access to the portal. To resolve this, please log in to the web app with the correct credentials.
“You do not have permissions to access the tickets portal”
This error may appear if the tickets portal is configured to restrict access to certain users or companies. To resolve this, go to the tickets portal configuration page and verify that the users/companies in question have been granted access and are not excluded by any access conditions.
“You are not associated with any companies”
To access the portal, a user must be associated with at least one company. To confirm this, go to the user’s profile in the Contacts section and ensure a company is linked to their profile. If no company is attached, you can add one in the Qualification section under “Company Name” in the user profile, or by using the Intercom API.
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