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Article Inserter app

Send timely articles in messages, show articles in your Messenger, and enhance Workflows and Custom Answers with supporting articles.

Beth-Ann Sher avatar
Written by Beth-Ann Sher
Updated over 4 months ago

If you use public articles in your Help Center to educate your customers, you can proactively share the right article, with the right customer, at the right time using chat or post messages, Workflows, and Custom Answers. You can also show specific articles to users or visitors in your Messenger home and share them in conversations.

Sharing articles with the Article Inserter app is perfect for:

You can use the Article Inserter app in dynamic and fixed messages. It's not available for email messages.

Send articles in outbound messages

To add an article to an outbound message, just click the plus sign when composing your message content:

Then, select ‘App’:

Next, choose the 'Article Inserter' app:

Then, search your Help Center and select an article:

If you support multiple languages in your Help Center, select which version of the article you’d like to send:

Note: A multilingual Help Center is only available on certain Intercom plans. See our plans and pricing here.

Once you’ve chosen an article, it’ll appear as a card in your message:

Your visitors or users can read the article without leaving the Messenger, so they stay in the right context.

Send articles with Custom Answers, or as a follow up action in Workflows

Add an article to an answer

If you use Custom Answers to answer frequently asked questions, it’s a good idea to include articles your customers can read for more in-depth information.

  1. In the "Create your answer" section, add a new step and select ‘Send an app’.

  2. Choose the Article Inserter app.

  3. Then, search for and select the article you’d like to include.

Follow up a Workflow with an article

If you use Workflows to proactively support your users, you can easily share help articles and give customers all the information they need.

  1. At the end of a Workflow path, add a new step and select ‘Send an app’.

  2. Choose the Article Inserter app.

  3. Then, search for and select the article you’d like to include.

Show a specific article on your Messenger home

You can also use the Article Inserter app to show a specific article on your Messenger home.

  1. Choose if you want to customize your Messenger home for Visitors or Users.

  2. Then, click ‘Add an app’.

  3. Select the Article Inserter app from the list.

  4. Search for and select the article you’d like to add.

  5. If you’ve translated your articles into multiple languages, select which version of the article.

  6. Once you've chosen an article, click ‘Save and set live’ to make it live.

Now you can add audience rules to decide which users or visitors will be able to see and read the article directly in your Messenger home.


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