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SLAs reporting

Review your team’s performance against your Service Level Agreements.

Beth-Ann Sher avatar
Written by Beth-Ann Sher
Updated over 3 months ago

Reporting on Service Level Agreements (SLAs) gives you an insight into how your team is performing against your response time targets. 

Create an SLAs report

Go to Reports and create a new report, then select the SLAs template to get started quickly.

You can also use a range of SLAs metrics and attributes to create your own custom report on the Advanced or Expert plan.

Use the SLAs report template to see

  • Conversation SLA miss rate

  • Conversations with SLA

  • Conversations with missed SLA

  • SLA performance

  • Targets hit over time

  • Hourly distribution of missed targets

Understand chart data

Hover over the information icon at the top of a chart to see reporting period, report level filters, metrics, and metric level filters applied to each chart.

Customize the SLAs report template

The conversation tags report template is fully customizable, enabling you to add more charts from the chart library, or remove charts you don't need in this report. All charts can be resized and moved around to where you want them.

SLAs report use cases

Get a high-level overview of your SLA performance

The SLAs report template gives you a high-level overview of your SLA performance, including:  

  • Conversation SLA miss rate - Percentage of conversations that had an SLA breached. (Formerly 'SLA miss rate').

  • Conversations with SLA - Number of conversations that had at least one SLA.

  • Conversations with missed SLA - Number of conversations that had an SLA breached.

  • Hit rate - The % of SLAs applied to conversations that hit their target, out of all SLAs applied to conversations.

  • SLAs missed - The number of SLAs applied to conversations that missed their target.

  • Average Time to response after SLA miss - Time from when the SLA was missed until it received a teammate reply.

You can see a performance breakdown of your key SLA targets -  next response time, first response time, time to close, and time to resolve.

‘First response time’ is the time it takes a teammate to reply to a customer’s first message. Each conversation can only hit or miss this target once. ‘Next response time’ is the time it takes a teammate to respond to any subsequent customer message in a conversation. As a result, you can have a mix of hits and misses for this target.

Identify fluctuations in your performance over time

Your hits and misses will likely fluctuate over the period. You can identify fluctuations in your performance over time, to better understand what impacts your team’s performance with the Targets hit over time chart.

Identify patterns and adjust staffing or scheduling

It’s easy to view the specific hour and day of the week where you missed an SLA target, to identify patterns and adjust staffing or scheduling to meet SLAs during busy periods with the Hourly Distribution of Missed Targets chart.

Useful SLAs report filters

Analyze your SLA report over a custom time period, or choose a default time frame at the top of the report.

The SLA template report shows your team’s performance against any SLA rule for the selected date range. You can select the specific SLA rule, and any other filters you'd like to apply.


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