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Add translations to public articles
Add translations to public articles

Provide self-serve support to customers in their native language with a multilingual Help Center and articles.

Beth-Ann Sher avatar
Written by Beth-Ann Sher
Updated over 2 weeks ago

After configuring your help center to support multiple languages, you can translate each public article into languages you support. For example, if you set your Help Center to support English and French, you’ll be able to create a version of your public articles for both languages.

Though the Help Center can be configured to work in multiple languages, public articles themselves are not automatically translated in Intercom.

Once you’ve published articles in multiple languages, your Help Center will automatically detect your customers’ browser language, and show the matching articles. For example, when a French visitor lands on your Help Center, they’ll see your French articles. If they’d like to see the English version, they can easily switch the language:

Add translations of your public articles

After you create a public article in your default language, switch to the language you’d like to add a translation for at the top of the page.

After selecting one of your supported languages, compose the translated version of your article and click Publish.

Your translated version will automatically be added to the same Help Center collection as the original version and will be made available to Fin and Copilot. You can manage these settings in the Details panel next to the article.

If you translate articles within a collection, make sure you translate the name of that collection, or it won’t appear on your Help Center homepage. The articles will still be accessible in searches, and when you send them directly to customers. 

When editing articles in the Knowledge Hub, collection names will display in the default language.

And that’s it. Your translated article is now available!

View the translation status of your articles

Each article translation is color-coded so you can easily see which articles have been translated and published from the article editor in the Knowledge Hub.

  • Green = Published.

  • Clear = Missing translation or unpublished.

For example, this article is published in English and has an unpublished draft in French.

The Knowledge > Content page shows a language label next to each public article with multiple translations.

You can also add a 'Language' column to the content table.

And filter your content by language to see and manage public articles in a particular language(s).

When a content item has more than one language, and they have different states for Fin or Copilot, you will see a "-" icon instead of ✔ or ❌


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