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Create, edit, archive, or delete tags

Your tagging needs will change over time. Manage tags effectively by updating or removing tags you no longer need.

Beth-Ann Sher avatar
Written by Beth-Ann Sher
Updated over 4 months ago

To create, edit, archive or delete tags you must have 'Can manage tags' permissions enabled.

Create a new tag

To create a new tag, go to Settings > Data > Tags and click + New tag. Then, give your tag a name, and click the tick icon ✔️ to save it:

How to edit a tag

To update a tag, go to Settings > Data > Tags and select the pencil icon next to the tag.

Type the new name for your tag, and click the tick icon ✔️

When a tag is updated, it will be updated on all items with the tag added.

How to archive a tag

Archiving a tag removes it from your list of tags, so it can no longer be added to new content. You’ll retain all the data and reporting on previously tagged content, and can still use the tag to filter your messages, conversations and users where it has already been applied.

Note: Once a tag is archived, a new tag with the same name can't be created. We suggest you unarchive the archived tag instead.

To archive a tag, go to Settings > Data > Tags and click Archive to the right of the tag:

If the tag is currently used in people segments, or filters for a message audience you’ll see a warning like this. To remove the tag from your segments or filters, just follow the link in the warning:

Archiving unneeded tags makes it quicker and easier for your team to find and apply the tags they need.

Restoring an archived tag

To unarchive a tag, select Archived from the dropdown in your tag settings, and click Restore next to the tag:

You can also permanently delete tags you no longer need from here. Just click Delete👌

How to delete a tag

Deleting a tag will permanently remove it from your workspace, so it can no longer be used to search your conversations, people or messages. 

To delete a tag, go to Settings > Data > Tags and click Archive next to the tag, then select Delete immediately.

How to remove a tag

Tags can easily be removed from a contact, conversation, company, or message simply by clicking the ⓧ icon on the tag wherever it appears.

Is there a tag limit?

Technically, your workspace could have thousands of tags, but as with any other type of data, the tradeoff could be slower app loading time. Using only as many tags as you need, and archiving/deleting unused tags is always a good practice.

How do I export a list of my tags?

We don't currently have a way to export a list of your tags, however, you can highlight the data by going to Settings > Tags page and copying and pasting the data into a spreadsheet.


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