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Effectiveness reporting

Measure how effectively your teams handle conversations over time.

Beth-Ann Sher avatar
Written by Beth-Ann Sher
Updated over 3 months ago

Effectiveness reporting looks at how your support team handles conversations over time, including the percentage of conversations resolved on first contact, number of reassignments, time to close, and more.

Create an effectiveness report

Go to Reports and create a new report, then select the Effectiveness template to get started quickly.

Use the effectiveness report template to see

  • Conversations replied to

  • Closed conversations on first contact rate

  • Replies to close a conversation

  • Conversations reassigned

  • Time to first assignment

  • Time from first assignment to close

Understand the chart data

Hover over the information icon at the top of a chart to see reporting period, report level filters, metrics, and metric level filters applied to each chart.

There is a scenario where the ‘minimum’ number of Replies to close a conversation could appear as 0 if the time range selected had no closed conversations with more than 1 teammate reply.

Customize the effectiveness report template

The effectiveness report template is fully customizable, enabling you to add more charts from the chart library, or remove charts you don't need in this report. All charts can be resized and moved around to where you want them.

Effectiveness report use cases

See how different types of conversations are handled

See at a glance how well your team can handle different types of conversations by filtering the charts by conversation tags/conversation data. This will show you if high priority conversations are being handled effectively.

See how different teammates or teams are handling conversations

See if certain teammates or teams are spending more time on conversations and identify areas for team training or upskilling. You can do this by filtering the charts by teammate.

If you see a low percentage of conversations closed on first contact, you should double check (or add) any assignment rules to ensure that conversations are being directed to the best team to handle them.

How are teammate replies counted?

Teammate replies counted in this report include all replies after the first message from a customer in conversations that are currently closed.

Replies are grouped together to ensure that multiple replies sent in succession (without a customer response, or message from another teammate) are only counted as one.

👆This example shows that the teammate sent 6 separate messages, but some of them are grouped for a total of 4 replies counted in this report.

If another teammate replies, or the conversation is closed this will also break the grouping.

Check if conversations are being picked up by the right person

The Conversations reassigned chart shows the number of conversations that have been assigned more than once after a teammate reply, grouped by the date the first customer message was sent at. It’s a good way to see if conversations are being picked up by the right person, or if any of the initial assignments could be automated rules.

When is a conversation reassigned?

If a conversation is assigned to a teammate (manually, by a teammate, by a bot, or by an assignment rule) and after they reply, it is then assigned to a different teammate or team, the conversation has been reassigned and will be counted in the the Conversations reassigned chart.

Any conversation which is resolved by the first assigned teammate will not be counted in this chart.

Gauge teammate workload and capacity

If the time to first assignment is low, but your first response time is high, this could suggest that conversations are being assigned to teammates while they’re too busy to respond right away.

The Time to first assignment chart shows the median amount of time for conversations to be assigned before a teammate reply, grouped by the date the first customer message was sent at.

The default aggregation shown is median, but with the Advanced or Expert plan you can choose a different aggregation, and your choice will be saved for the next time you view the reports. You can choose from average, maximum, median or minimum when you edit the chart.

Conversations will not be counted toward this metric if a teammate replied before the conversation was first assigned.


  1. Conversation is started by a customer at 10:55am.

  2. Assigned to a teammate at 11:05am.

  3. That teammate sends a reply.

Time to first assignment is 10mins.

  1. Conversation is started by a customer at 10:55am.

  2. Assigned to a teammate at 11:05am.

  3. Assigned to a second teammate at 11:10am.

  4. The second teammate sends the first reply.

Time to first assignment is 15mins.

Time to first assignment encapsulates data from any teammate that was assigned that conversation, regardless of any teammate filters that have been applied to the report as a whole - the data in this chart will not isolate for individual teammates.

How long your teammates spend handling conversations

The Time from first assignment to close chart shows the median amount of time from the last conversation assignment (before the first teammate reply) to close, grouped by the date the conversation was created at.

This gives an accurate picture of how long your teammates spend handling conversations, excluding the customer's initial wait time.

First assignment to close will include time for other teammates as well. This metric looks at the time of the first assignment to the time of it being closed (and any teammate messages in between).

Useful effectiveness report filters

Your effectiveness report can be filtered by:

  • Tag — Review a subset of conversations with certain tags.

  • Continent — Select a single continent, or more than one.

  • Country — Choose a single country, or more than one.

  • Channel — Filter based on where conversations started. E.g. email, chat, or your mobile app.

  • Started by — See only conversations started by your customers, or those in response to a bot/message.

  • Teammate — Show conversations where the action was performed by one or more teammate/s (E.g. conversations replied to, or closed by that teammate or team).

  • Conversation data attributes — Show conversations with specific attributes that you define.

Filtering this report to show different types of conversation (with conversation tags) can show you:


  • If you’ve filtered for a single day, the conversations will be broken down by hour, or if you filter for a longer period they’ll be broken down into days or weeks.

  • The ‘Channel’ filter will only contain those channels where you have installed Intercom.


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