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Help Center explained

Deliver self-serve support by connecting your Help Center to Fin, your website, mobile app, in-product messages, chat, and more.

Beth-Ann Sher avatar
Written by Beth-Ann Sher
Updated over 2 weeks ago

With Help Center, you can create articles which enable customers to self-serve and find support 24/7.

Teammates can also insert articles in inbox conversations, send them in outbound messages, and use them to power Fin AI Agent and Copilot 💪

It's easy to see how your content is performing, exactly how it can be improved, and what to write next. We show you how it all works below.

Create rich help content

The article editor in Knowledge is easy to use — just click New content and select Public article to start writing. You can add content (such as images, videos, and tables) by using the toolbar at the bottom of the editor.

Sync or migrate from Zendesk

If you’ve already got help content in Zendesk, you can sync or import it to your Intercom Help Center in a few clicks. There’s no coding required and we’ll retain your site structure for you.

Build a comprehensive knowledge base

Once you’ve written your first few articles, you need to group them into collections to publish them on your Help Center (articles are only visible on your Help Center if they’re in a collection).

To make your content easy to find, you need to:

  • Organize your collections into topics that matter most to your customers - this will make your Help Center easier to browse.

  • Add short descriptions to each collection to optimize them for search, and to help people better understand what they contain.

Provide faster support

Help Center is integrated with the Intercom Messenger and Fin, which means your customers can ask questions and get 24/7 support.

Use articles to power Fin AI Agent and generate AI answers

Fin AI Agent can use your public articles to hold conversations and provide AI answers. As your articles get better, Fin AI Agent does too—along with its resolution rate.

Let customers browse articles in the Messenger

Your users or visitors can search for and view articles right inside your Messenger without having to start a conversation.

When a user/visitor selects an article, the article will open within the Messenger itself. So, they won’t need to leave your app or website to find the help they need.

You can also require your customers to search your Help Center before starting a conversation.

It is not currently possible to embed your Help Center articles onto your own website, as access is restricted to Intercom only. However, article data can be retrieved by using the REST API, and then the retrieved data can be used on your website.

Get helpful feedback

Reactions let you measure how helpful your articles are. When a customer finishes reading your article, they can let you know whether it answered their question by reacting with a happy, neutral or disappointed face.

You can click into any article to view your stats and see how your customers feel about your article.

Know where to improve your content

The Articles report lets you see how helpful your content is, how it can be improved, and what’s missing. You can quickly gain inspiration for what to write next by viewing the topics your customers searched for most, but didn’t find.

And you can see which articles pulled in the most negative reactions, and need to be fixed.

Once you view the conversations each article sparked, you’ll know exactly how to improve them. The questions and feedback your customers have will highlight any confusing aspects of your content and glaring gaps in information, which you can fix right away.


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