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Use conversation data to improve articles
Use conversation data to improve articles

Identify which articles need work and use customer feedback to improve them.

Beth-Ann Sher avatar
Written by Beth-Ann Sher
Updated over 3 months ago

The Articles report shows you which articles need to be fixed, and the conversations customers started from them. Armed with these Insights, you can address real frustrations, concerns and questions your customers have.

See which articles to improve  

Go to the Article engagement section in the Articles report. Click the 😞 negative reactions column to sort by which articles have the most negative reactions.

Pay particular attention to high traffic articles

You should pay particular attention to articles with the most views. If lots of customers are reading these articles and looking for advice on these topics, you need to get them right.

For example, if your ‘Getting started guide’ has many views, but lots of negative reactions, this means that people are having trouble setting up your product and are unlikely to stick around. Improving this article based on your customers’ feedback will make them more likely to convert into loyal, long-term customers.

Check when an article was last updated

When you first create an article it likely contains all the correct and relevant information for the date it was published. However, as your product or service evolves over time, your articles need to evolve too!

Look at the "Last updated" column to identify any articles that haven't received an update for a while. Setting up an article review cadence will help keep information accurate and relevant. This will differ depending on your business and how quickly things change, but start by reviewing articles updated more than 6 months ago.

Improve your content from your customers’ feedback

1. Quickly identify broken or confusing content

We recommend clicking into each article that needs to be reviewed and reading the conversations your customers have started from them. You can see the exact questions customers are asking and the real problems they’re running into. This will help you weed out any broken content or glaring gaps in information right away.

When you first publish an article about a new feature it's a good idea to keep a close eye on customer conversations for the next 1-2 weeks. Quickly identifying what your customers want and need to know helps make your new article more useful right away.

2. Look for recurring trends in feedback 

Identify trends in your customers' feedback to highlight issues that continue to confuse people over time. For example, maybe you’ve created an article about ‘tracking project progress’ a year ago, but customers still have lots of questions about how this works.

We recommend clarifying instructions that lots of your customers find confusing, answering questions they frequently ask and adding in use cases they can relate to and learn from.

3. Review your article structure

If you already have content that answers a question customers keep asking, maybe they simply can’t find it. The answer could be buried in a longer paragraph at the end of the article, for example. Re-consider the information you’re prioritizing - is it worth placing that particular answer in your first paragraph?

For example, when we published an article about our new Messenger we found that lots of our customers were still asking when they’d get it. Previously, we had this information at the end of the article, but quickly realized that this section needed to be highlighted at the top.  


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