The real-time dashboard monitors volume across teams, and measures productivity, allowing support leaders to make better real-time management decisions.
This feature is only available on specific pricing plans.
It also requires the "Can access real-time dashboard" permission. Workspace admins can control who has access from the Teammates page for roles or individual teammates.
The real-time dashboard can be accessed from Inbox > Dashboard. It's split into two main sections: Inboxes and Teammates, allowing managers to decide what they want to monitor at any given time. The two tabs have similar structure.
For optimum performance, SLA and CSAT only update every 15 mins. All other metrics auto refresh every 60 seconds while this is your active browser tab.
Dashboard settings
Global settings
From the top right corner, click Settings to control the global dashboard settings and metrics.
The configurable metrics are:
Setting | Default value |
The type of aggregation used to calculate Response Times - can be one of min/max/average/median. | Median |
The idle threshold - or the time after which a conversation with no reply sent or received is considered idle - starts from 1 second. | 30 minutes |
Whether to include bot time when calculating Response Time metrics or not | Bot time not included. |
Any change to this affects both the ‘Inboxes’, and the ‘Teammates’ tabs, as well as the summary cards.
When calculating Real-time Dashboard metrics, the office hours taken into account are the default workspace hours.
Tab-specific settings
Filter | Description | Default value |
Inboxes and views filter (Inboxes tab only). | The inboxes/views to calculate metrics for in the Inboxes tab. | The inbox with the highest number of open conversations at the time. |
Teams filter (Teammates tab only). | The inboxes (teams) to calculate metrics for in the Teammates tab. | The first team for the app. |
Teammates filter (Teammates tab only). | The teammates to calculate metrics for in the Teammates tab. | None. |
Timeframe filter. | The time limit to apply to some of the metrics (e.g. we only calculate the number of closed conversations over the selected timeframe) - see metric description tables below for more information. | 8 hours for both tabs. |
Visible columns | Determines the columns visible in the dashboard for the selected teams/teammates | All for both tabs. |
Full screen mode | Enables full-screen mode for the selected tab. | Disabled. |
Monitoring inboxes & teammates
Monitoring inboxes and views
To monitor inboxes and views, select the ‘Inboxes’ tab in the dashboard. By default, the first two team inboxes are selected alphabetically.
The available metrics are:
Metric | Available for | Description |
Active teammates | Inboxes | Total number of teammates who are members of the inbox and currently have their status set to “Active”. |
Unassigned | Inboxes, Views | Number of conversations, assigned to the inbox, or meeting the view criteria, but not yet assigned to a teammate. |
Waiting for first reply | Inboxes, Views | Number of conversations, assigned to the inbox, or meeting the view criteria, that have not received any replies from a teammate. |
Total open | Inboxes, Views | Total number of conversations, assigned to the inbox, or meeting the view criteria, regardless of teammate assigned. |
Idle | Inboxes, Views | The number of open conversations assigned to the inbox, or meeting the view criteria, that haven’t received any replies (from teammate or customer) in the configured idle threshold. A conversation has to have received at least one reply from a teammate to be included. |
Snoozed | Inboxes, Views | The number of conversations, assigned to the inbox, or meeting the view criteria, that are currently snoozed, regardless of teammate assignee. |
Longest waiting for any reply
| Inboxes, Views | The longest time an open conversation, assigned to the inbox, or meeting the view criteria, that is currently waiting for any reply from a teammate. |
SLA Miss rate | Inboxes, Views | The % of conversations, assigned to the inbox, or part of the view criteria, that have missed their latest SLA target. The exact number of conversations is shown in brackets next to the percentage value. |
First response time | Inboxes, Views | An aggregation of the time it took a teammate to send a first reply to conversations assigned to the selected team in the selected timeframe (aggregation is configurable in the global settings). |
Closed | Inboxes, Views | The number of conversations, assigned to the inbox, or meeting the view criteria, that have been closed in the selected timeframe |
Satisfaction (😀 or 🤩) | Inboxes, Views | % of conversations that have received a 4 or 5 star rating that are assigned to the inbox, or meeting the view criteria, during the selected timeframe. |
Supervising teammates
To supervise teammates, view the ‘Teammates’ tab in the dashboard. By default, the team displayed first is selected alphabetically.
The available metrics are:
Metric | Description |
Status | Current status of the selected teammate (one of Active. Away, Away & Reassigning). |
Time on status | The length of time an agent has been on their current status (Active, Away, or Away and reassigning). |
Total active | Total time a teammate’s status has been set to Active within the selected timeframe. |
First online | Time when the admin was first seen as Active after a long period of inactivity. |
Last seen | The time when an agent was last detected viewing Intercom in the browser. |
Open | The number of conversations assigned to a teammate that are currently open, regardless of team assignee. |
Idle | The number of conversations assigned to the teammate that haven’t received any replies (from teammate or customer) in the configured idle threshold . |
Snoozed | The number of conversations assigned to the teammate that are currently snoozed, regardless of team assignee. |
Workload | The ratio of open conversations assigned to the teammate over their assignment limit. |
Participated | The number of conversations a teammate has replied to in the selected timeframe (does not include “notes”). |
Closed | The number of conversations assigned to a teammate that have been closed in the selected timeframe. |
First response time | An aggregation of the time it took for the teammate to send a first reply to conversations assigned to them in the selected timeframe (aggregation is configurable in the global settings). |
Response time | Time to reply to customers at any point during a conversation, including the first response and any subsequent response. (Aggregation is configurable in the global settings). |
Satisfaction (😀 or 🤩) | % of conversations that have received a 4 or 5 star rating that are assigned to the teammate during the selected timeframe. |
Metrics drill down
A drill down drawer is available for most metrics, allowing you to see the exact conversations that are counted towards the metric. To access this feature, click on the value in the dashboard you'd like to drill into.
Conversations in the drill down drawer are further split into appropriate sections:
Tab | Metric | Drilldown |
Both | Idle conversations | Idle conversations can either be waiting for a teammate reply, or waiting for a customer reply:
Both | First response time | The first response time metric is split into three categories:
Both | CSAT | The CSAT metric is split into the relevant review emojis. |
Inboxes | Active teammates | Active teammates gives more information about the teammates with a given status (time on status and total active):
The same information is available in the teammates tab, when filtering by the same teammates. |
Inboxes | Waiting for first reply | The waiting for first reply metric is split into three categories:
Inboxes | SLA Miss Rate | The SLA miss rate metric is broken down into conversations that missed the first response time, and conversations that missed the next response time SLA. |
For all other metrics, it only displays the total number of conversations, counted towards these statistics, as well as a list of relevant conversations.
See away statuses
You can choose a reason for your Away status out of the seven listed options. That information is surfaced both in the Teammates tab:
And in the ‘Away’ metric. When you mouse over this element (or the 'Reassigning' summary next to it), if there are any teammates that are on that status, then a tooltip will show the breakdown of different reasons for all teammates on that status.
If any teammate has not selected an Away reason, they'll show up in the breakdown as 'Not specified'.
The real-time dashboard currently does not support calculating metrics for temporal views (views with predicates SLA due in and Waiting for teammate reply) due to technical complexity. Such views are located at the bottom of the Inboxes and views and are disabled:
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