Storing answers as user attributes allows you to use them elsewhere in Intercom ☑️ This means you can use them to target messages, build rules, filter reports and build other powerful automated workflows.
Here are 8 ways you can use stored survey data 💪
1. Filter and segment your users
In Contacts, filter and segment your customers based on their survey responses.
2. Target customers with outbound messaging
In Outbound, use stored data to target customers with messages based on their answers.
3. Engage customers with a personalized Series
Orchestrate entire customer messaging campaigns using survey data in Series.
4. Personalize your Messenger
In the Messenger settings, use Survey data to give customers a more personalized experience.
5. Report on trends
By using Survey data in your Reports, you can filter and segment graphs and charts based on that data to spot trends.
6. Send your data elsewhere
To send survey data to other tools, you can use a webhook in Series 👇
7. Sync it to Salesforce
By storing a survey response into a data attribute, you can use it in the Salesforce app to sync the data you collect to a specified Salesforce attribute.
8. Personalize customer journey
Use branching logic during the survey to send customers down different paths.
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