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Automate Switch using Workflows

Increase your team efficiency further by using Workflows for easy conversation handling.

Beth-Ann Sher avatar
Written by Beth-Ann Sher
Updated over 3 months ago

Improve your team efficiency further by using Workflows to target Switch customers specifically.

Automating with Workflows

Target your Switch customers specifically by copying the URL under Settings > Channels > Switch > Workflows on Switch.

Then click Set up Workflows and edit or duplicate an existing Workflow from new conversations.

In your Workflow trigger settings, go to Where to send, and add page rule where “Current page URL contains”.

When you use a Workflow to target customers that Switch, make sure this Workflow is ordered higher in priority than other Workflows so that it will trigger.

Workflows will trigger for Switched conversations even without targeting them specifically. So if you have Workflows that target users or leads, any bot messages contained in the Workflows will appear in the Switch conversation automatically.

Route Switch conversations to the Inbox

Now you can route Switch conversations straight to the right people and inbox.

Apply rules to your Workflow path to use conditional branching.

Then add a condition using the "From Phone Switch" attribute, such as:

  • IF From Phone Switch is true

  • THEN Assign to Tier 1 Support and Apply SLA Tier 1 Support

This rule works well alongside other existing attributes such as:

  • Phone - use ‘Starts with’ and the country code to route to specific country teams.

  • CDAs - to route based on specific attributes (if you used the API installation for Switch).

For example, if you wanted to route all Spanish customers to your Spanish Support team, you could use the following attributes:


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