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How to create a mobile Survey

Learn how to set up a Survey for your mobile app in this step-by-step guide.

Beth-Ann Sher avatar
Written by Beth-Ann Sher
Updated over 3 months ago

Engage with your mobile customers and seamlessly capture customer insights at exactly the right moment - while they're using your app! Mobile Surveys are natively designed with modern, beautiful UI so that your Survey responses can easily be captured. Use responses to power actions and workflows and create a more personalized customer experience.

To use Surveys, upgrade your app to at least the following SDK version:

  • Android — 12.0.0

  • iOS — 12.0.0

Create a mobile Survey

First, go to Outbound from the main menu and click + New message in the top right corner.

Then choose Survey as your content type.

For this example, we will create a new Survey from scratch but you can also browse some pre-made templates from the left hand side.

Choose a format

Next, decide if you want a small format or large format Survey and click Save.

On mobile devices, both small and large format Surveys will take up the full screen.

Small format Surveys can be used to get a quick response from customers, such as a Star rating. Large format Surveys allow you to give your Survey some context with an Intro screen and are great for more detailed responses, such as Multiple choice. Learn how to optimize your Survey format for your use case.

Then, give your Survey a title. For example, if you’re designing a Survey to capture new users’ roles and experience, you could call it “Onboarding: Roles + Experience”.

Survey settings

In Survey settings, you can send your Survey from any teammate, or hide the sender entirely. You can also enable/disable a few other customizations:

  • Add an Intro screen (large format surveys only) - this lets you set expectations and provide customers with some context before they begin the survey.

  • Allow customers to dismiss the survey - Use with caution! If this setting is disabled, customers will continue to see the survey until they complete it, they no longer match the rules, or the survey gets paused by you.

  • Show customers a progress bar - this lets customers see how much of the survey they have completed.

It's often a good idea to send a Survey from a teammate to make it feel more personal. However, if you're looking for honest feedback, it can help to hide the sender.

Next, select the mobile platforms (Web, iOS and/or Android) you want the Survey to be delivered on:

You can choose to deliver your Survey to web only, mobile only or across both web and mobile platforms. If multiple delivery platforms are selected, the Survey will be shown on whichever platform your customer visits first. For example, if all three platforms (Web, iOS, Android) are chosen and your customer first opens on your iOS app, they will receive the Survey on iOS and will not receive it on Web or Android.

Mobile Preview

To see how the Survey will look on mobile devices, select Mobile preview.

Toggle between the iOS and Android buttons to preview on each device. To edit the Survey questions and details, click Exit mobile preview to return to the Survey composer.

Add questions and steps

Next, go to Step 1 and choose the type of question you want.

  • NPS® - to capture customer sentiment.

  • Numeric scale - to help you measure your query.

  • Star rating - to gather a rating out of 5.

  • Emoji rating - to capture customer sentiment.

  • Dropdown / list - to allow customers to choose a best fit.

  • Short text entry - to collect short custom responses.

  • Long text entry - to allow for long custom responses.

  • Multiple choice - to present customers with several options to choose from.

See a full overview of all supported question types.

Simply, click the default question on your Survey to edit the copy.

Use Questions settings to manage:

  • Question type - You can change your question type here.

  • Answer options - Create labels for the answer options customers can select from when using question types such as Dropdown / List.

  • Placeholder text - Customize the placeholder text a user sees before giving their response to explain what you're asking them to do. If you only need them to choose one option, you could say "Select one..."

  • Make answer required - Keep this ticked if the user must answer the question before they can proceed to the next step. This ensures you collect the information you need. Leave this unticked if their response is optional and not integral to the purpose of the Survey, such as asking for any additional feedback.

  • Store answer to a user attribute - This allows you to create and track facts about your users based on their responses. For example, you could track data about the users who found it difficult to set up their account. Then, you could send a follow-up email targeted to these users asking if they would like any additional help. Learn more about storing responses as user attributes.

You can add more questions to the same step by clicking Add question and another question will appear below. Or, if you want to add more steps with different questions, click the + above the Survey preview to add another step.

Once you’ve added all your questions, click on Thanks to personalize your thank you step:

You can also choose to send customers down different paths in your Survey based on how they respond to questions. Find out more about using branching logic here.

If you want customers to take action after completing the Survey, you can add a Deep link that directs them where to go next. For example, if you’ve created an onboarding Survey, you could take them to the best place to get started in your app.

Deep link URI will open in a mobile web browser. You might need to chat with your developer to get the Deep link URI for the page you want to link to in your Android or iOS app.


Surveys can be customized and personalized to visually match your brand and look native to your product. Here are several ways you can customize your Survey:

  • Colors - Select your Survey background and button color to match your brand.

  • Sender - Choose whether to add a personal touch by showing a sender avatar (small/large format) and company name (large format).

  • Intro - Add an intro screen to give your customers context about what the Survey is about upfront (large format). This lets you set expectations so customers are more likely to complete the Survey. For example, you could add “This survey takes 3 mins.”

  • User attributes - Adding user or company attributes can make the Survey feel more personal and specific to each customer. Learn more about including user attributes here.

  • Text formatting - Options to format your text (bold, italics, links, and headers) are available and can help you highlight an important part of your text. For example, you could use bold to ask “What is your favorite feature?”

  • Deep link - After completing the Survey, at the Thanks step, add a deep link into your iOS or Android app to direct the end-user into a specific section in your mobile app.

Add emojis, images and GIFs to lighten the mood! 😍🎉🤩

Send or share your survey

Now, you can send the Survey to your app users by setting audience rules and triggers.

To preview how a survey will look and behave for customers, target yourself as the audience of the survey (e.g. by specifying your email address in the targeting rules).

Customer experience

Surveys are displayed full screen on mobile apps. Small and large format Surveys look identical on mobile. Preview how it looks on iOS and Android apps below.

Preview on iOS

A quick NPS Survey

A longer onboarding Survey

Dragging to dismiss a Survey on iOS

When a Survey is dragged down to dismiss on iOS, there will be an additional confirmation to Dismiss survey or Continue survey. This is to help customers avoid accidental dismissal of Surveys while scrolling.

Preview on Android

A quick NPS Survey

A longer onboarding Survey

Accessibility on mobile

Surveys on web and mobile are accessible in terms of:

  • Accessible color contrast.

  • Keyboard support.

  • Descriptive area labels.

  • On submit when there is an error in a question, we’ll navigate back to the question so it’s visible within the viewport what went wrong.

  • Screen reader support.

Response validation

There are two types of validation that customers may experience when completing a mobile Survey:

1. Response required: If they try to progress to the next step of a Survey but haven’t submitted answers to all required questions.

2. Incorrect answer format: when answers are saved to an attribute, we will validate that the response format matches the attribute type that it is being saved to. For example, a text entry response that is being saved to an attribute where the attribute type is numeric will validate that the answer submitted is a number.

Email validation on iOS app

Keyboard on iOS app

Only numeric keyboard is shown when the attribute type is numeric and numeric keyboard with +*# option is shown for phone number attributes.

This is how the keyboard looks on iOS apps:

If the attribute is phone number, the country code is pre-populated using the customer’s device location as shown below. This code can be changed by the customer.

The exact error with an inputted phone number is pointed out in your Survey as shown below:

There’s a check mark in front of the fields which passes the validation 👇

"Net Promoter®, NPS®, NPS Prism®, and the NPS-related emoticons are registered trademarks of Bain & Company, Inc., Satmetrix Systems, Inc., and Fred Reichheld. Net Promoter Score℠ and Net Promoter System℠ are service marks of Bain & Company, Inc., Satmetrix Systems, Inc., and Fred Reichheld."


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