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US toll-free verification

Answers to common questions around toll-free verification for US numbers.

Beth-Ann Sher avatar
Written by Beth-Ann Sher
Updated over 7 months ago

As of May 15, 2022, any new US toll-free number cannot send SMS messages unless it has been verified. By verifying your number with your carrier, you are less likely to experience carrier filtering because your phone number will have a “verified” tag associated with it.

What’s an unverified number?

Any number that was rejected during the verification process or is currently undergoing verification.

What’s a verified number?

Any number that completed the verification process - a company can only have one toll-free number. That verified number will be associated directly with their brand and carry a “verified” tag.

How do I get verified?

We do the heavy lifting for you! When you activate a US toll-free number from Settings > Channels > SMS in the Countries and phone numbers section, we will submit a verification request to your carrier on your behalf with the information gathered during the signup process.

While you wait for review, you'll be able to see the status of the number in your workspace and you'll receive an email notification each time the request changes status.

Review of a submission can take 8-10 business days to be processed by Twilio.

Upon approval or rejection of the request by Twilio, you will receive an email that will indicate the status change.

Why was my verification denied?

Some common reasons a number may fail verification:

In these cases, we may not be able to support SMS for your business. Please reach out to our team if you have any questions.

What happens if I fail verification?

If your company is not a restricted industry or use case in the US, we can resubmit your verification for you with any additional proof needed to ensure your verification passes.

What can I do while waiting for my number to be verified?

While the verification process is going on, you can start to set-up your SMS campaigns in Intercom by:

If you have any questions about the verification or set up processes, please reach out to us via Messenger.


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