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Manage teammate inbox status

Turn on 'Away' mode and reassign your replies when you're unavailable.

Leanne Harte avatar
Written by Leanne Harte
Updated over 4 months ago

Teammates can set their status to Active or Away. When away mode is enabled, they can also enable the Reassign replies option.

  • Active: We recommend setting the status to active when the teammate is scheduled to work and is available to receive new conversations.

  • Away: We recommend setting the status to away when the teammate is occupied with something else for a short while during their shift. It could be a meeting, coaching other teammates, or a break.

  • Reassign replies: We recommend enabling the reassign replies option when a teammate ends their shift and when they are going away for several days. It’s important when teammates won’t be able to respond to conversations already assigned to them.

The effect of setting a teammate’s status to away

When a teammate’s status is set to away, both balanced assignment and round robin stop automatically assigning conversations to them.

Teammates who belong to multiple workspaces can configure the away status, conversation reassignment and away status reasons independently per-workspace. Changing their status in one workspace, doesn’t impact the status in the other workspace.

Customers can see the teammate’s status (active or away) within the conversation’s view in the Messenger which helps to set the right expectation.

When a teammate has no Intercom tabs open in the web app for more than 5 mins, they appear as Away in the Messenger. However, it doesn’t change their actual status in Intercom and doesn’t impact automatic conversations assignment.

Away Status on Proactive Support messages

If an outbound Message like a Chat or Post is live on your website and the teammate it appears from is automatically set to Away after being inactive for more than 5 minutes or have manually turned on their Away mode, their status on the Messenger will show as 'active in the last 15m' or Away.

The effect of enabling the reassign replies option

When a teammate sets their status to Away, they can enable the reassign replies option. The effect of setting the status to away discussed in the previous section still applies.

In addition, if a customer replies to a conversation assigned to a teammate while they have the reassign replies option enabled:

  • The teammate gets automatically unassigned from the conversation which puts it back in the team inbox open conversations list. It will be picked up by balanced assignment if it is the assignment method for this team inbox.

  • If the conversation was assigned to the teammates and doesn’t have a team inbox assigned, it will get automatically assigned to the default assignee.

It is possible to use the API to reassign conversations to a different teammate after a period of admin inactivity on the conversation, however, doing so will require writing some custom code on your end.

First off, you'll want to get notified of new inbound messages via our conversation.user.created webhook topic. This will provide you with a conversation ID.

After that, you'll want to create a scheduled task on your end to check for teammate/admin replies relevant to those IDs. To accomplish this you'll want to subscribe to the conversation.admin.replied webhook topic.

Now, if no teammate replies are created within X amount of time, you can proceed to reassign them to another teammate using our Conversations API endpoint.

Setting an away reason

Teammates can also specify a reason when they set their status to away. This is useful for monitoring purposes, which we’ll discuss in the next section.

Monitoring teammate status & capacity

Support managers also have an overview of teammates’ status and away reasons. This is a great tool for managers to make fast decisions when faced with an increased backlog.

The real-time dashboard

In the inboxes tab of the real-time dashboard, you can see the number of active teammates per inbox. This is useful when used in conjunction with the number of unassigned conversations. It helps managers assess the team’s ability to handle the backlog.

In addition, in the teammates tab, you can see the current status, away reason, and time on status of all teammates who match the applied filter.

You can also mouse over the numbers in the summary to see a breakdown of the away reasons.

Last, if a particular teammate has forgotten to change their status from Active to Away, or Away & reassigning, a manager can change their status themselves.

This action requires the Can change status permission.

Teammates settings

You can also find the teammates status and away reasons in Settings > Workspace > Teammates.

Teammates with the "Can change status" permission can modify other teammates’ status, however, they also require "Can manage teammates, seats and permissions" to access this page.

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