Use tickets reporting to visualize and explore your team’s ticket handling. This is great for viewing ticket volume and predicting coverage needed for each ticket type you’ve created.
Create a tickets report
Go to Reports and create a new report, then select the Tickets template to get started quickly.
You can also use a range of ticket metrics and attributes to create your own custom report on the Advanced or Expert plan.
Use the tickets report template to see
Ticket time to resolve
Ticket time in submitted
Ticket time in progress
Ticket time in waiting on customer
Ticket time to resolve - by time
Ticket time to resolve - by team assigned
Ticket time to resolve - by teammate assigned
New tickets
Resolved tickets
Comparison of New and Resolved Tickets
Ticket volume - by team assigned
Ticket volume - by teammate assigned
Ticket metrics do not currently take office hours into account.
Understand chart data
Hover over the information icon at the top of a chart to see reporting period, report level filters, metrics, and metric level filters applied to each chart.
Customize the tickets report template
The tickets report template is fully customizable, enabling you to add more charts from the chart library, or remove charts you don't need in this report. All charts can be resized and moved around to where you want them.
Useful tickets report filters
Take a deeper dive into your tickets report by using the filters at the top of your report to specify a date range, select a ticket type, or filter by a specific data attribute.
You can add multiple filters for more granular reporting.
The participation by teammate filters only counts human visible parts only. This means when a teammate posts a note it doesn’t count towards participation within the ticket.
Report on ticket time spent in each state/custom states using custom reports
You can use the Ticket time in state dataset to report on time spent in each ticket state. This includes a "Ticket time spent in all states" metric and additional reporting attributes to filter and segment your custom report.
To maximize the benefits of this feature, customize and add new ticket states to align with your business processes.
Note: This functionality requires custom reports which are available on the Advanced and Expert plan only.
When creating or editing a custom report, go to the chart builder and create a new chart.
Then use the “Ticket time spent in all states” metric.
Add relevant filters such as a Ticket type filter to display this information for selected ticket types.
Now the metric will show you the time spent across all states. In order to see the time spent in each ticket state, segment or view by the "Time in ticket custom state" reporting attribute.
In order to see this metric broken down by ticket state category, use the "Time in ticket state category" reporting attribute instead.
You can also add this reporting attribute as a filter in order to see time spent only in one specific state or state category.
You won't be able to use these attributes to segment time to resolve by these "Time in ticket custom state" attributes.
In order to understand the time each ticket spent in each state before resolve, segment the metric “Ticket time spent in all states” by “Time in ticket custom state” and add a filter “Time in ticket custom state is not [resolved states]”. 👇
The "Ticket time spent in all states" metric does not take into account office hours.
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