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Design your Checklist

How to create targeted and personalized Checklists for your customers.

Zoe Sinnott avatar
Written by Zoe Sinnott
Updated over 4 months ago

Create targeted and personalized Checklists for your customers which open in the Intercom Messenger.

You must be using the newest version of the Messenger and have Can set Product Tours, Checklists and Tooltips live permission.

Creating a checklist

First, go to Outbound from the main menu and click + New message in the top right corner.

Then, choose Checklist as your content type.

You can also choose to start with a pre-made template by picking this content type from the left sidebar.

Give your Checklist a title, an optional description and decide whether or not to show a sender.

Tip: Make your Checklist feel motivational by framing the title of your Checklist as an actionable goal and use the description to help explain why this is valuable to your customer. Remember to keep it short and snappy!

Add steps

Now add steps to your checklist outlining what your customer needs to do to achieve their goal. Each step must contain a title and short description.

Note: You can add up to 25 steps per Checklist.

Choose a step action

In Step settings choose the action best suited to the goal for each step. Steps can:

  • Go to a page URL.

  • Launch a Product Tour.

  • Open an Article.

If the step doesn't require a specific action, or if the action requires them to do something outside of your product, you can leave this as No action (read only).

Depending on the action you choose, there are different options to configure.

Go to page URL

This action allows you to input the page URL that you wish to direct them to in your product. The URL will open in the same browser tab.

Launch a Product Tour

This action lets your customers jump straight into a Product Tour of your choice. The Product Tour will redirect them to the relevant page from which to start the tour in the same browser tab.

Note: You can only select Tours that have been set live and have a shareable URL enabled.

Open an Article

This action lets your customers open up an Article within the Messenger. They can navigate from the Article straight back to the Checklist.

Choose the estimated length of time required

Enter the approximate number of minutes it should take for your customers to complete each step so that they can know roughly how much time it will take them to complete the Checklist.

Choose how the step can be completed

There are two ways to acknowledge when customers have completed a step:

You can use one or both of these methods to let customers progress through the Checklist.

Allow users to manually resolve the step

Customers will see a button to mark their Checklist as complete when this option is enabled. Once the step has been marked as complete, they won't be able to change it back to incomplete.

Automatically resolve step using rules

Add rules to automatically detect when a customer has completed a step using data that you're tracking in Intercom. When a step in the Checklist is resolved automatically using the rules you create, the Checklist opens again to notify them of their progress and encourage them to take the next step.

You can apply multiple rule conditions and specify whether customers should meet some or all of these.

Here are some examples…

Event trigger data

If your Checklist step asks a customer to create a project, you can track a "Created project" event. If a customer who has a Checklist triggers that event by creating a project, the step will be automatically marked as complete. Learn more about tracking events in Intercom.

Product Tour engagement data

Automatically resolve a checklist step when a user reaches the last step of a Product Tour. When a Tour is selected as an action type, it will automatically be applied as a step completion rule.

User and event attributes

Automatically resolve a Checklist step when a user or event attribute value meets certain conditions. Event attributes are different to event triggers as they record the first, last and total count of times a user did a specific event.

Company-level attributes

A Checklist step can also be automatically resolved for all users of a company when a particular company level attribute is matched. Once completed by a single user, the matching Checklist step will be marked as completed for everyone who is part of the company.

This solves for situations where company-level action generally only needs to be done once, by someone in the company. For example:

  • Uploading a workspace logo

  • Starting a trial

The company data which is matched for automatic resolution can be set through a Product Tour or other workflow by the first user in a company.

Pro tip: If you’d like to test different variations of Checklists, try an A/B test.

Choose how to notify your customers

Once you’ve finished adding steps to your Checklist, return to General settings and decide how you want customers to be notified about new tasks to complete.

  • Badge - Show a badge counter when a new Checklist is sent. A very discreet notification for when a Checklist is non-urgent. A badge will also appear on the Tasks space when the Messenger is opened.

  • Snippet - A small pop up that introduces the new Checklist. The Snippet can stack with other notifications and also adds to the Badge counter e.g. Chats, Posts, Custom Bots. Useful for calmly notifying users that they have a Checklist without disrupting them from their task.

  • Full checklist - The Checklist will open in full view in the Messenger. This is useful for Checklists that users need to engage with straight away e.g. for new user onboarding when completing a Checklist is their next best action.

    • When a user matches multiple pieces of content (i.e. a Post and a Checklist) and the Checklist is set to deliver in full, the Checklist will be switched to a snippet style notification.

Checklist completion screen

Optionally add a celebration message that will appear once customers complete all Checklist steps. Use confetti to add a feel good factor and include a button to highlight the next best action for them to take.

Now you’re ready to trigger your Checklist to send automatically using rules, or share it both in and outside of your product.

Enable the Tasks space in your Messenger

Before you can set your Checklist live, you will need to ensure that you're using the latest version of the Messenger and have enabled the Tasks space so that customers have a way to access the Checklist.

You can enable the Tasks space for Visitors or Users from Messenger > Content > Spaces.

Note: The Tasks space will only be visible to people who receive a Checklist. People who don’t have Checklists won’t see this space when they open the Messenger.


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