The Messenger requires the latest mobile SDKs to give customers the best experience on mobile. This article explains how to customize the Messenger for mobile, and which features are supported on iOS and Android apps.
To use the latest Mobile Messenger, you'll need to install or upgrade to:
v18.6.3 for iOS SDK
v15.15.0 for Android SDK
v11.0.0 for Cordova
v0.59 for React Native
You must ensure that the mobile Messenger is enabled from inside the Intercom settings panel. When this is disabled, all requests to Intercom will fail and an error related to the loginUnidentifiedUser
or loginUser
method may be returned.
Customize Messenger for mobile
You can customize and preview your Messenger on mobile from Settings > Channels > Messenger > Mobile SDKs and then select the device preview for iOS or Android.
Available in mobile apps
When users access the Messenger on your iOS or Android app it launches as a native bottom sheet. This allows the Messenger to look and feel like it’s embedded organically, providing a consistent and seamless customer journey. The user can still see exactly where they are in your app and then decide how they want to interact with you in the Messenger.
Configure Messenger Styles
The Messenger Mobile SDKs can support multiple brands you might have. Select or add a new Messenger style from the Styles tab.
Mobile Messenger styles also support multi-brand Help Center, so ensure you've connected the correct Help Center to the brand you're using for this Messenger style.
Design each Messenger style to match your business needs. Style it with your logo, and a header background color or image.
Launch directly into Conversation
Then decide if you want the Messenger to launch directly into the Messages space (for customers to start a new conversation or view previous messages) by enabling "Launch directly into a Conversation" in Messenger > Mobile SDKs > Content.
This new setting ensures your customers have faster access to support, removing additional steps to starting a new chat with your team.
Configure Messenger Spaces
Now configure which buttons customers can interact with on the Home space by enabling the Tickets and/or Help spaces under Messenger > Mobile SDKs > Content > Spaces. (Messages can't be disabled).
Customers will be able to start conversations with you from the Home and Messages space if they match your audience rules.
They can also submit tickets and track their progress from the dedicated Tickets space (if you've enabled it).
Set your welcome message
Decide how you'd like to greet customers on the Messenger Home space by setting your welcome message. Your welcome message can be configured for all of your supported languages.
Customize Home with apps
From Messenger > Mobile SDKs > Content > Customize home with apps, you can add additional apps to the Home space, such as Send us a message or Search for help, and other apps you’ve installed on your workspace.
Note: The Compact Messenger works a little differently on mobile.
Differences between web and mobile SDKs
Web - Spaces appear as tabs at the bottom of the Messenger. This tab bar navigation is always visible from the topmost level of each space.
Mobile SDKs - Spaces appear as buttons at the top of the Home space only. They don’t appear in other spaces.
Web - The tab bar disappears when customers navigate to content within a space (e.g. an article, conversation, or ticket). A ‘back’ button appears at the top of the Messenger.
Mobile SDKs - Customers can navigate back to the Home space from any other space by using the ‘back’ button (or the system ‘back’ button on Android).
Web - Space tabs will show notification badges if they contain new content (e.g. a new message in a conversation).
Mobile SDKs - Space buttons will show notification badges if they contain new content (e.g. a new message in a conversation or a ticket status update).
Messages in the mobile SDKs
In the Messages space there’s a button in the header on iOS to start a new conversation. On Android, there’s a Floating Action Button instead.
Android SDK
As this is a major update, there are few API changes which are listed below:
Method - Kotlin | Description |
fun present(space: IntercomSpace) | Open a specific space in Intercom. (Home, Messages, Help Center). Defaults to Home space. |
fun present() | Open Intercom - defaults to the Home space. |
fun presentContent(content: IntercomContent) | Present Intercom content. Valid content types are Article, Carousel, Help Center Collections. |
These methods can still be used, but will be removed in a future release.
Method - Kotlin |
fun displayMessenger() |
fun displayHelpCenter() |
fun displayHelpCenterCollections(collectionIds: List<String>) |
fun displayArticle(articleId: String) |
fun displayCarousel(carouselId: String) |
fun displaySurvey(surveyId: String) |
As this is a major update, there are few API changes which are listed below:
Method - Swift | Method - Obj-C | Description |
func present(_ space:Space) | + (void)presentIntercom:(Space)space | Open a specific space in Intercom. (Home, Messages, Help Center). |
func present() | + (void)presentIntercom | Open Intercom - defaults to the Home space. |
func presentContent(_ content: Content) | + (void)presentContent:(IntercomContent *)content | Present Intercom content. Valid content types are Article, Carousel, Help Center Collections. |
The following methods have also been fully deprecated:
Method - Swift | Method - Obj-C |
func presentMessenger() | + (void)presentMessenger |
func presentHelpCenter() | + (void)presentHelpCenter |
func presentHelpCenterCollections(_ collectionIds: [String]) | + (void)presentHelpCenterCollections:(nonnull NSArray<NSString *> *)collectionIds |
func presentArticle(_ articleId: String) | + (void)presentArticle:(nonnull NSString *)articleId |
func presentCarousel(_ carouselId: String) | + (void)presentCarousel:(nonnull NSString *)carouselId |
func presentSurvey(_ surveyId: String) | + (void)presentSurvey:(nonnull NSString *)surveyId |
Backwards and forwards compatibility for mobile SDKs
It’s possible for your workspace and mobile SDKs to be out of sync. For example, you can have the new Messenger enabled in your settings but not yet have upgraded the mobile SDKs in your app. Here’s how this will work:
| Previous Messenger settings (You have not opted in.) | New Messenger settings (You have opted in.) |
Previous Messenger mobile SDK (less than v14.0.1) | Works the same as before. All previous Messenger settings are respected. | The new Messenger settings will be applied in a sensible way to render the previous Messenger experience in the mobile app.
Some of the new Messenger features won’t work in the previous Messenger mobile SDK:
New Messenger mobile SDK (v14.0.1 and higher) | The previous Messenger settings will be applied in a sensible way to render the new Messenger experience in the mobile app.
For example:
| All new Messenger settings are respected. |
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