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Checklists FAQs
Beth-Ann Sher avatar
Written by Beth-Ann Sher
Updated over 2 months ago

How do I use Checklists?

You must have Product Tours on your pricing plan and be using the latest version of the Intercom Messenger.

How does Checklists pricing work?

Checklists will be included in the Product Tours addon and usage will contribute to the Product Tours pricing metric you have associated with your plan.

Where do Checklists appear for customers?

Checklists are delivered via the Messenger in a dedicated Tasks space. This space is only visible to customers who have Checklists to complete.

Checklists can also be added to the Messenger Home via the Tasks App, or shared with customers via Product Tours, Tooltips, Series or outside of your product with a shareable link.

What happens if a user navigates to another page after the Checklist pops up?

When a user receives a Checklist and they don't complete or dismiss it, it will follow them to the next page they visit.

Can customers receive more than one Checklist?

Yes. Customers can receive multiple Checklists. These will be visible from the Tasks space and will be sorted by most recently received date. Completed Checklists will appear at the bottom of the list.

Can Checklists be created as part of a Series?

Yes, Checklists have been added to Series.

What happens if I make edits to my Checklist?

Any changes you make to your Checklist will go live for anyone who has already received the Checklist (including those who have completed it) and anyone who receives the checklist in the future.

Adding new steps or making significant changes

If new steps are added to the Checklist, any customers who had previously completed the Checklist will see that their Checklist is now incomplete.

To avoid impacting the experience for customers who have already completed the Checklist, we recommend pausing the existing Checklist and making a duplicate before making significant changes (such as adding new steps). You can then exclude customers who have started/completed the original Checklist from the audience rules of the duplicate Checklist using tags.

If I pause or delete my Checklist can customers still see it?

If you pause your Checklist, new people will not be eligible to receive the Checklist but people who have already received the Checklist will still have access to it.

If you delete your Checklist, people who previously received the Checklist will no longer have access to it.

Are Checklists available on mobile?

Checklists are available on mobile web, but not on mobile SDKs (iOS and Android native apps).

How do I remind customers that they have Checklists to complete?

You’ve created a Checklist that outlines all the steps your customers need to complete in order to be successful in your product, but some customers may choose not to engage with it at first if they’re busy with other tasks.

In this situation, it’s useful to think about how you’d like to remind users when they have outstanding Checklists to complete - and we have some tips for you.

Here's what a reminder looks like:

Checklist reminder notifications

Reminders can be set for configurable intervals, ending after a set number of reminders or number of days since the Checklist was first shown.

Checklist reminders can be enabled with the following options:

  • The Checklist will be shown every day by default, but can be set to remind the customer at a cadence of between 1 and 7 days.

  • The reminder can be configured to stop after a maximum of a default of 5 times, OR the reminder will be shown up to 14 days after first time seeing the Checklist. There are options for 5, 14, 21 and 28 days before the reminders expire.

Add Checklists to the Messenger Home space

Prompt customers who have Checklists to complete by enabling the Tasks app in your Messenger Settings. The card will show on the Messenger Home space for users who have a Checklist that hasn’t been completed.

Set up reminders in Series

Series based reminders work for more complex workflows. Here you can see an onboarding journey that begins with a Checklist, with a rule to check if they haven’t completed the Checklist within a certain period of time and send reminder messages such as an Email or Banner.

You can link to the Checklist in your follow up messages by including a shareable link.


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