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Archive or delete unused SLAs
Archive or delete unused SLAs

This article explains how to archive and delete Service Level Agreements for an organized workspace.

Beth avatar
Written by Beth
Updated over 4 months ago

As your support needs change, you may have SLA targets you no longer use. There are two ways to remove them from your SLA list.

  • Archiving an SLA target removes it from your SLA list, but maintains the historic data for use in reporting.

  • Deleting an SLA removes it from your SLA list, and it will no longer be visible in reports, or conversations.

Archive an SLA

To archive an SLA go to Settings > Inbox > SLAs and hover over the SLA you wish to archive, then click Archive.

If the SLA is used in any of your Workflows, it’s not possible to archive it. You’ll see a warning with links to the Workflow(s) which are currently using this SLA.

Once the SLA is not in use, simply confirm that you’d like to archive it.

And that’s it. The SLA will now appear in the Archived tab, where you can rename, restore, or delete it.

Delete SLAs

To delete an SLA, go to Settings > Inbox > SLAs and switch to the Archived tab.

SLAs must be archived before they can be deleted.

Hover over the SLA, and click Delete. Then, confirm you’d like to delete it permanently from your workspace.

Deleted SLAs will not be visible in reports, or conversations, and cannot be restored.


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