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Add your support content for Fin AI Agent
Add your support content for Fin AI Agent

How to add content Fin AI Agent can use to start providing customers with answers.

Beth-Ann Sher avatar
Written by Beth-Ann Sher
Updated this week

Fin AI Agent is hungry for information. The more you feed it, the better it performs. Fin AI Agent can use your Intercom public articles and snippets, as well as external support content, so you can decide exactly which sources of information you would like Fin to use when answering customers' questions.

Fin AI Agent will automatically generate responses called AI answers by using the support content you add. You'll be able to preview this before going live.

See our Best Practices for optimizing your support content for Fin.

Add content

Start adding your content to Fin from AI & Automation > Fin AI Agent > Overview > Content.

If you land on this page before opting into Fin, you'll see a landing page asking for consent to share your Fin content with Open AI. Only teammates with billing permissions can accept the terms and dismiss this landing page for the workspace.

If you don't have existing content in Intercom

When you visit this page for the first time, you might not have any existing content in Intercom which Fin can use. Quickly add content by selecting from the compatible content sources:

If you already have existing content in Intercom

When you visit this page, you might already have existing content in Intercom which Fin can use.

This will be displayed below the Content section which indicates what's already enabled for Fin, which content is currently syncing/importing from an external source, which content sync/import has errors, and which content is available but not yet enabled for Fin.

A count indicator shows how much of the content is being used by Fin.

Fin uses articles from the Help Center connected to the brand you've set up.

Your existing content can be viewed or enabled for Fin by selecting the ellipses next to the content type.

You can also quickly add content by selecting from the compatible content sources:

Find a list of content sources that are compatible with Fin AI Agent below. 👇

Sync content from a website

If you don’t have an Intercom Help Center, or you would like to Fin to use support content from another public website, select the + icon next to Sync content from a website to start syncing your external content with Fin.

You can use public URLs* - pages on your website, pricing information, blog posts etc. - and we will import and keep the content synced with the URL source once a week to ensure it’s kept up-to-date.

*Some widely used and/or popular public URL's such as,,,,, etc. can't be connected and content won't be ingested from them. Please contact our team for the full list of sites this applies too.

Fin AI Agent only imports pages that start with the URL you enter, so it’s best to use the most basic URL stem possible. Learn more about syncing websites and troubleshooting steps.

When content is syncing, you’ll see a progress bar showing how much content from this source is synced. You can leave this page and return to it at any time - we will email you when the sync is complete and Fin is ready.

Once all content is synced, this content source will become active and can be enabled for Fin.

Upload a PDF

PDF files are another content source that can be used by Fin. Simply select the + icon next to Upload a PDF then select a file and the text content from the file will be scraped and made available for Fin to use within minutes.

Content from these PDF files are a private source so your customers will not see any link references to them in Fin's answers and the content is only there to be used by Fin to improve answer quality and coverage.

Learn more about uploading and managing PDFs in Intercom.

Import/sync knowledge base from Zendesk

If your current knowledge base lives in Zendesk, you can choose to import or sync this content with Intercom to make it accessible to Fin. Click the + icon next to Import/sync knowledge base from Zendesk to get started.

Then enter your Zendesk subdomain and choose whether to:

  • Import content - If you want to make Intercom your single source of truth for creating and updating public articles, import your Zendesk help content into Intercom to manage all Fin's content from one centralized place.

  • Sync content - Public articles that are synced from Zendesk will be shown in Intercom as view-only and can’t be edited. All changes must be made through Zendesk and will automatically propagate to Intercom with the next sync. However, you can configure the settings for synced articles such as enabling them for Fin or managing audience rules.

Learn more about importing or syncing content from Zendesk.

Create a new article

If you want to add an article to your Intercom Help Center and make this available to Fin, click the + icon next to Create a new article.

This will open a new draft article inside Knowledge where you can add content. To make this article available to Fin, make sure it's published in one of your Help Center collections and you've toggled the option to enable for Fin AI Agent.

Fin will respect any audience targeting you have on public articles, so if you have content for different segments of your customers you can be sure Fin will only show the right content to the right people.

Make sure your articles are comprehensive and up-to-date, so that Fin can start resolving customer questions instantly. Teammates will need "Can create and update draft Articles permission to create/edit your articles.

Learn more about creating and managing public articles in Intercom.

Create a snippet

If you want to add a short piece of information such as an FAQ or time sensitive notice and make this available to Fin, click the + icon next to Create a snippet.

This will open a new draft snippet inside Knowledge where you can add content. To make this snippet available to Fin, toggle the option to enable for Fin AI Agent.

Snippets provide information that won't be linked in Fin's answers and are only there to improve answer quality and coverage. For example you might want to add some FAQs from your website or bug details that should not be searchable in your public Help Center and not applicable to all customers, but would be useful for Fin to answer specific customer queries.

Learn more about creating and managing snippets in Intercom.

Content from conversations

With content from conversations enabled, you can generate content for Fin using your teammates' conversations in the Inbox, helping you instantly fill content gaps and achieve better resolution rates. If you want to enable this, click the + icon next to Content from conversations.

Learn more about using conversation content with Fin.

Add a Custom Answers

Fin can use Custom Answers to resolve specific questions a customer asks at the start of a new conversation, and Fin will prioritize them over its AI Answers.

These allow you to build bespoke answers to the most important questions for increased accuracy, consistency, and specificity and when you want to create answers that include rich media, Custom Actions, Custom Objects and/or Custom Apps.

If you'd like to create new Custom Answers for Fin, click the + icon next to Add a Custom Answer to get started.

Learn more about creating Custom Answers and how they work with Fin.

Preview Fin with your content

As soon as you've added and enabled content for Fin, you can use the interactive preview on the right to start having a conversation and test Fin's responses.


  • To preview Fin AI Agent the Messenger must be installed on web.

  • While the preview does not require Fin AI Agent to be set live, it still requires the content to be available to Fin. If the content has been set to Not available for AI Agent in Knowledge, then Fin will not be able to use the content in the preview.

  • Conversations created via the Fin preview will not be be closed and will remain open even if you have a close action that should be applied.

  • The Messenger preview will always use the default brand and the Help Center associated with it. If you have another Help Center associated with another Messenger brand it will still show as the default brand.


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