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Fin AI Agent FAQs
Beth-Ann Sher avatar
Written by Beth-Ann Sher
Updated this week


Do I need to agree to any Terms and Conditions to use Fin?

Yes, you can’t use Fin without accepting the Additional Product Terms for AI Products/Features.

How does Fin store and process data?

For detailed information about Fin AI Agent data privacy and storage, see our legal and security guide for AI Products/Features (you will need to be logged in to view this article).


How quickly will Fin AI Agent import articles from my Help Center?

Your Intercom public articles are already imported and ready to use with Fin.

How quickly will Fin AI Agent import websites/external support content?

Importing external content for Fin usually takes 10 minutes. However this can take up to 10 hours depending on the source content you are using.

Can I create multiple Fin AI Agents?

Yes, you can add Fin to multiple Workflows which target different audiences.

If you don't have access to Workflows on your current plan, you'll only be able to set one version of Fin live.

Can Fin AI Agent be branded/renamed?

Yes, this can be customized from Fin AI Agent settings. It will carry over any branding that you already had for Operator.

What languages does Fin AI Agent support?

Fin AI Agent is currently supported and optimized to work in multiple languages, including:

Arabic, Bengali, Bosnian, Brazilian Portuguese, Bulgarian, Catalan, Croatian, Czech, Danish, Dutch, English, Estonian, Finnish, French, German, German (Formal), Greek, Hebrew, Hindi, Hungarian, Indonesian, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Latvian, Lithuanian, Malay, Mongolian, Norwegian, Persian, Polish, Portuguese, Romanian, Russian, Serbian, Simplified Chinese, Slovenian, Spanish, Swahili, Swedish, Thai, Traditional Chinese, Turkish, Ukrainian, and Vietnamese.

Learn how to use Multilingual Fin AI Agent.

Fin's ability to respond with AI-generated answers in languages other than those listed above is currently unpredictable, regardless of what language your support content is in.

However, using Custom Answers with Fin can be set up to support any languages you’ve enabled in your Messenger settings.

Is Fin AI Agent available on regionally-hosted EU or AU workspaces?

Fin AI Agent is available on EU and AU hosted workspaces:

  • EU hosted workspaces can use Fin AI Agent, with data processed securely within Europe for enhanced data privacy.

  • AU hosted workspaces can use Fin AI Agent, but data processing is currently still US-based. Regional data hosting for these workspaces is coming soon.

What channels does Fin AI Agent work on?

Fin AI Agent is currently supported across Intercom Messenger (on web, iOS, and Android), email, WhatsApp, SMS, Facebook, and Instagram.

Can Fin AI Agent respond to conversations created via the API?

No, Fin AI Agent is currently not available for conversations created via the API or email, Twitter, and Voice.

Can I opt my test workspace into Fin AI Agent before enabling it on my production site?

Fin AI Agent will not be supported for [TEST] workspaces on launch. You can test Fin via the teammate preview and you’ll have a free one-time amount of resolutions to test live with customers.

What happened to Resolution Bot?

When you’re given access to Fin AI Agent, you'll no longer see Resolution Bot in the navigation. This is because it has evolved into a feature of Fin called Custom Answers. These Custom Answers will need to be created manually, the same way you were creating Resolution Bot answers.

What changes?

Your existing Resolution Bot answers will continue to work when Fin AI Agent is added to your workspace, but they'll now be found in Fin AI Agent > Custom Answers.

Resolution Bot behaviors still exist for Fin AI Agent, but these are now set up using Workflows.

Can I use Fin on my existing support platform outside of Intercom?

Yes, Fin AI Agent now integrates directly with your existing support platform on Zendesk or Salesforce.

Simply import your knowledge base and connect Fin to your existing ticketing and messaging channels. When Fin isn’t able to resolve, it'll seamlessly hand off to your team in Zendesk or Salesforce.

(More platform integrations coming soon).

Can I use Fin across multiple brands in my workspace?

Yes, you can configure Fin to reference the correctly branded Help Center and Messenger style when responding to customer queries over chat and email. These are the setup requirements for each channel:

Fin over chat (Messenger)

  1. Set up brands in brand settings and connect them to the relevant help center you want Fin to reference.

  2. Configure style for each messenger brand you want Fin to use, and connect them to your brands.

Fin over email

  1. Set up brands in brand settings and connect them to the relevant help center you want Fin to reference.

  2. Configure email addresses and domains and connect them to your brands.

    1. Ensure a brand aligned verified default address is selected within brand settings.

    2. Ensure that the reply address is set to “Inbound address” so that Fin has a verified custom domain email address to reply from.

Note: You can define a single personality for Fin per workspace, so if you have two different brands you'd like Fin to represent with different "personalities", you'll need to configure Fin in two separate workspaces instead of using a singe workspace.


How often does Fin AI Agent update with changes to articles or external content?

Any updates to your Intercom public articles will update immediately with Fin. However, Fin AI Agent updates and syncs with external content weekly. If you want to update it sooner, you can remove and re-sync the content.

Is there a limit to the number of external sources Fin AI Agent can use?

You can import up to 10 external sources, and for each source, we can sync up to 3000 URLs; however, this can be less based on a number of factors like your site structure or duplicate pages.

Can we restrict certain articles from Fin AI Agent?

Yes, you can control which content is available for AI Agent and apply audience rules from the Knowledge Hub.

What types of content other than Intercom Articles can Fin AI Agent use?

Fin AI Agent can use PDF files, Snippets, Custom Answers, and Content from conversations [beta], as well as external content sources from a public URL. You can manage content for Fin AI Agent and add new content from Knowledge Hub > Sources under the For AI Agent tab.

Can Fin understand images or screenshots sent in conversations with a customer?

Yes, Fin can seamlessly understand and respond to images a customer shares in conversations. It can extract and process the following:

  • Text content

  • UI elements and highlights

  • Reference numbers, activation codes, and error messages

  • Product details

  • And more!

Fin will understand and respond to images sent via chat or email. Learn more.

Can Fin read ALT text in images?

No, Fin currently can’t read ALT text in images.


How much does Fin AI Agent cost?

Fin AI Agent usage is measured in resolutions. This ensures that you only pay when Fin does what you care about most: resolving a customer’s question.

Can I try Fin AI Agent for free?

Everyone is able to trial Fin AI Agent for 14 days before paying.

  • The trial period starts the moment you set a Fin profile live with AI Answers enabled or turn on Let Fin answer step in the Workflow.

  • You can draft Fin AI Agent without starting the trial.

  • At the end of the trial, if you have the Resolution Bot add-on, you will be able to continue using Fin AI Agent, and set a profile live with just Custom Answers.

How can I see how Fin AI Agent is performing / what reporting is available?

You can use Fin AI Agent reporting to see how Fin AI Agent is impacting your deflection and resolution rates. For a closer look at conversations and Fin’s responses, you have an Inbox view for any conversations where Fin AI Agent was involved.

How can I see all the Workflows where Fin AI Agent is live?

Visit AI & Automation > Workflows and filter by Type is Using Fin to see all Workflows where Fin is being used.

Is there a way to give Intercom feedback that Fin provided an incorrect answer in a conversation with my customer?

There isn't a way to provide feedback to Intercom directly within the UI about an incorrect answer. Fin's answers are derived from your enabled support content, so optimizing this content is the best way to improve Fin's performance.

However, if you believe Fin's performance is not related to your content, you can notify our Support team so we can report this feedback (simply start a conversation in the Messenger and request to "Talk to a person"). We’re always eager to improve Fin and appreciate any feedback on irregularities or unexpected behavior.

Can I associate the customer's question asked with a different/better article than the one Fin used?

Fin formulates AI answers based on the content sources, data, and guidance you've provided. We recommend creating more relevant and specific content for Fin to match the correct content with customer queries.

Tip: Try using snippets to phrase customer queries multiple ways and provide the same answer. Or, build a Custom Answer that always triggers for customer questions that match.

Can you edit/influence the clarifying questions that Fin AI Agent asks?

Clarifying questions from Fin AI Agent are built into the AI conversation experience and cannot be edited.

How do Custom Answers work with assignment rules, SLAs & reports?

Assignment rules

When Fin provides a Custom Answer to a customer's question, it will immediately route conversations based on your assignment rules. This means the conversation will be visible in a team or teammate’s inbox. If you’d like to keep bot conversations out of the way, you should enable the dedicated bot inbox. Learn how to enable the bot inbox.

With the bot inbox enabled, assignment rules will only be applied after the customer has finished interacting with Fin AI Agent. This happens:

  • When they click “That helped 👍” or “Wait for the team 💬”.

  • When they send a new reply after Fin AI Agent's answer.

  • 3 minutes after they stop interacting with the bot.

Enabling the dedicated bot inbox also lets you exclude bot time from your SLAs and certain Inbox reports. Read on to find out more.

Even when Fin AI Agent successfully closes a conversation, it will still be assigned to the right team or teammate’s closed conversation list.


By default the time Fin AI Agent spends handling a conversation is included in your SLAs, but you can exclude this time from your SLAs with the bot inbox enabled. Just tick this box when enabling the bot inbox in AI & Automation > Settings:

Intercom Reports

In your Intercom reports, the ‘Time to close’ and ‘First response time’ metrics will include the time Fin AI Agent and Workflows spend handling a conversation by default. You can see these metrics without bot interactions by enabling the dedicated bot inbox.

With the bot inbox enabled, you’ll see a new metric for Bot inbox time included and Bot inbox time excluded.

Choosing one of these metrics will change the values in the report to include or exclude the time a conversation spends in the bot inbox.

It’s only possible to exclude bot time from your reports for the period since you enabled the bot inbox.

Custom Answers vs. Snippets - what's the difference and when to use them?

The important thing to know about Custom Answers is that they will trigger first if they match the customer’s question (before any AI answers with Snippets/Articles etc.) So if you have a specific answer or solution to a particular question your customers ask, you would create a Custom Answer to ensure Fin prioritizes this response.

Custom Answers are built into Workflows so they can take a little longer to set up, but this allows you to use conditional rules such as “If the customer is X, give Y answer, else give Z answer”. They can also include Custom Actions and Objects which allow Fin to fetch external data and take actions like finding a customer’s order and processing a refund. This gives you greater control over how the conversation flows and what happens at each stage.


Customer: “Can I reschedule a delivery?”

Custom Answer: “You can reschedule a delivery up to 24 hours before the delivery time. Would you like to reschedule your delivery?”

Customer: “Yes” (reply button)

Custom Action: “Fetching your orders now… Please pick a new delivery slot: [10:00] [12:00] [15:00].” (reply buttons)

*Customer selects [15:00]*

Fin: “Your delivery has been rescheduled!”

Snippets, on the other hand, are used to generate answers with AI (the same as your Help Center articles). However, unlike your Help Center, snippets are not public and only supplement Fin’s answer quality and coverage.

For example, you might have a known bug which is generating volume for your support team this week. Instead of passing these conversations onto the team to give the same response, you could quickly create a Snippet with this information in a simple Q&A format that Fin will reuse when customers run into this issue. In this instance, Snippets are a great low-lift solution to a temporary problem because they don’t take long to create and Fin can instantly start using them to reduce volume. They’re also quick to delete when you no longer need them and won’t break anything 😉

So where Custom Answers allow you to decide exactly when and how they’re used, Snippets are basically saying “here’s some information, use it where you think it’s appropriate”.


Question: “Why is it giving a 500 error message when I make a booking?”

Answer: “Our engineers are looking into this issue. In the meantime, here’s a temporary workaround…”

Creating an FAQs article or section within a relevant article is a really good way of consolidating and storing all those answers you want Fin to have access to, while also putting them in a more public place for customers to self-serve.

If you ask Fin AI Agent the same question twice, why does the answer vary?

If you ask the same question twice to the Fin AI Agent and receive different answers, it's because the system uses a variety of AI models and language learning technology that may call on different sources at different times. This is designed to reduce latency and improve accuracy, but can result in varying answers due to the dynamic nature of the AI's decision-making process.

When Fin AI Agent is configured to use both Custom Answers and AI answers, if an end-user sends multiple messages that would trigger the same custom answer, the custom answer is only sent the first time it matches. Subsequent times, the system will try with AI answers instead, to avoid end-users being stuck getting the same custom answer for their problem after asking multiple times. This behavior is based on the assumption that if the user asks a similar question again, the initial answer might not have been what they were looking for, so the system searches for a different answer.

Does Fin AI Agent learn from customer interactions?

The Fin AI Agent can learn from interactions that have been successfully resolved without the need to escalate to a human teammate.

If customers are generally satisfied with an AI-provided answer, Fin is likely to use that answer in future conversations, as it employs machine learning to improve over time.

While Fin learns from successful interactions over time, it does not retain memory of answers within a single conversation. To improve Fin's answers for future conversations, consider using content from conversations.

Can I reassign a conversation to Fin in the Inbox?

It's not possible to reassign a conversation to Fin from a teammate inbox, however, a teammate can get Fin involved by triggering a reusable workflow:

  1. Set up a reusable workflow with a "Let Fin answer" step.

  2. Trigger the reusable workflow from a conversation in the inbox to get Fin involved.

  3. The customer can then reply with their question and then Fin will attempt to answer.

Customer Experience

What are Fin's capabilities as a chatbot?

Fin AI Agent is more than a chatbot: using the most sophisticated AI language models, it instantly generates answers to resolve customer issues and questions across multiple channels (including chat and email). Fin can engage in customer conversations and offer support through conversational answers based solely on your support content.

Can Fin generate a summary of conversation history upon request?

Yes, Fin AI Agent will provide a summary in the event a customer sends a message requesting a transcript of their conversation history.

Does Fin AI Agent respect audience targeting on Intercom Articles?

Yes, Fin AI Agent answers questions based on the articles that the customer on Messenger has access to see using audience targeting. So it won't answer questions using private or restricted articles that a customer has no access to.

What happens if Fin AI Agent can't find an answer using the content available?

When Fin AI Agent doesn’t find a clear or confident answer using your available knowledge sources, Fin AI Agent will deliver a disambiguation response to the customer which will typically:

  • Give context of sources that were found.

  • Express uncertainty.

  • Attempt to answer if possible.

  • Request clarification from the user.

How easy is it for Fin AI Agent to find the answer?

  • If a user doesn’t use correct terminology, the likelihood that Fin AI Agent will answer in “short answer” format (as opposed to sharing a number of possible articles) drops off significantly, but the articles shared will generally be helpful and relevant.

  • The longer and more complex a user’s initial request, the less likely that Fin AI Agent will nail a response. For example, “How to set up a seriesis better than something like “The user incorrectly received a welcome email from a series. The email referenced an incorrect admin username. The email to the customer is not actually coming from the series. We proved this by pausing the series, replicated the steps, and received the email. Can you please help me figure out where the email was sent from and why”.

  • Fin AI Agent doesn’t process one-word replies very effectively, mostly due to lack of context.

  • A user sending many quick questions/replies in a row without giving Fin AI Agent a chance to respond, will only get an answer to their most recent reply.

How can I make Fin AI Agent use hyperlinks from Articles and Snippets without spelling out the URL directly in the article?

Currently, Fin AI Agent is not able to present links in nicely formatted hyperlinks. However, you can use a Custom Answer to format the reply in any way you like.

What if there is an outage that affects Fin AI Agent use?

When something goes wrong on our end trying to get a Fin AI Agent response in a conversation, we will send a message in the conversation that says "Oops, something went wrong. I'll route you to the team." Right after that Fin will proceed with the handover process (just like when end-users ask to get more help or talk to a person).

AI Technology

What is the difference between Fin AI Agent and Copilot?

Fin is an AI agent for your customers, and Copilot is an AI assistant for your teammates in the Inbox.

  • Fin AI Agent is the first AI agent that delivers human-quality customer service. It can handle your entire frontline support because it learns, behaves, answers and improves just like the best human agents do. You can now scale your support without scaling your team, and free your human team to do higher impact work.

  • Copilot is a personal AI assistant designed to improve the efficiency of support agents in the inbox by providing them with instant, expert answers drawn from your team's internal and external support content, including past conversations.

How does Fin AI Agent answer customer questions?

Fin AI Agent uses Intercom’s patented AI Engine to understand the customer question, search for relevant answers in your support content or data and actions, and provide accurate answers to customers based on those sources.

How can I trust the accuracy of Fin AI Agent?

While we aim to provide accurate and helpful answers to your questions, it's important to remember that Fin AI Agent is powered by machine learning models, and these are not perfect. They are built on statistical patterns, and as such, occasionally they may return an incorrect response.

Here are the safeguards that we put in place to ensure that your AI Agent provides the most accurate answers:

  • It only provides answers based on your support content or data and actions.

  • It tries to disambiguate a question when it doesn’t understand the customer question.

  • When it does not know the answer, it will say that it didn’t find an answer, and it can then handover to a human.

We work hard to make sure our model is as accurate as possible, however, the nature of current AI models means they may occasionally give an incorrect answer.

What happens if Anthropic has an outage?

If Anthropic is down, AI-generated answers from Fin AI Agent will not send (any Custom Answers will still work as normal). Customers will see a message from Fin in the Messenger: "Oops, something went wrong. Could you repeat your question?".

Inbound and ongoing conversations will be routed to the team (respecting any handover flow), with the message "Sorry, I'm still having trouble. I'll hand you over to the team."


Is there a limit for how many articles Fin AI Agent can reference?

No, there is no limit

Is there a limit for how many are returned via the API for the object 'ai_agent.content_sources'?

No, there is no limit


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