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How to manage Tracker tickets
How to manage Tracker tickets

Understand how to identify all the features of Tracker tickets

Patrick Andrews avatar
Written by Patrick Andrews
Updated over a month ago

Identifying a Tracker ticket in your inbox

To make it easier for your team to differentiate between Customer tickets, Back-office tickets, Tracker tickets, and conversations, you’ll see visual differentiations in your inbox.

For Tracker tickets you see:

  • Tracker ticket icon

  • Ticket ID and title

  • Last note, or update

Tracker ticket default attributes

1. Ticket title

  • Click to edit value

2. Ticket ID

3. Customer reports count

4. Sharing behavior

5. Ticket description

  • Click to edit value. You can use different format options: sorted lists, unsorted lists, bold, italic, code block, quote, and hyperlinks.

Tracker ticket custom attributes

Each ticket has a type that informs which custom attributes you want captured as part of the ticket. When looking at a Tracker ticket, you’ll find those attributes clearly surfaced in the middle panel.

Changing the state of a Tracker ticket

As your team progresses the ticket, they can change its state to:

  • In progress

  • Waiting on customer

  • Resolved

To change the ticket state, you can click on the button in the top right corner. Then pick the relevant state.

If the Tracker ticket has Customer tickets linked to it, you’ll be prompted to change the state of those linked Customer tickets.

To ensure front-line teammates have the full context, an event is posted in linked conversations and Customer tickets to reflect the Tracker ticket change.

Communicating in a Tracker ticket

Tracker tickets support internal notes only. All notes posted to a Tracker ticket won’t be shared with the customer.

When posting a note to a Tracker ticket, there are 2 options:

1. Add note: Adds the note to the Tracker ticket being worked on.

2. Cross-post note: Adds the note to the Tracker ticket and cross-posts it as an internal note in all the linked Customer tickets and conversations. This is especially useful when there is an update that you want to share with all front-line teammates assigned to linked Customer tickets or conversations.

Use the keyboard shortcut ⌘ / Ctrl Shift Enter to cross-post a note.

Review linked customer reports

You can see the number of customer reports linked to a Tracker ticket by clicking on customer reports header when you open your Tracker ticket:

Customer reports can also be used to filter views and for reporting.

To dive deeper into all linked Customer tickets and conversations, open the right hand sidebar and navigate to the Links section, then click on See all:

You’ll see a table of linked customer reports

Click on any row to expand it.

Click on the avatars to start selecting rows. You can then bulk change the assignee or close.

You can also bulk reply or add notes through the Edit button. Click on + Add actions to bulk tag, assign to team/teammate, snooze, and more.


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