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Debug Fin AI Agent answers
Debug Fin AI Agent answers

See which sources were used in AI-generated answers and take actions to improve content for Fin.

Michaela avatar
Written by Michaela
Updated over a week ago

The Fin AI Agent answer debugger is designed to keep you in control by enabling you to take action on outdated content or missing topics.

  • Access the answer debugger from the Inbox.

  • Gain a behind the scenes view of how Fin AI Agent works.

  • Improve how Fin AI Agent handles support queries in the future by:
    1. Creating new content, or
    2. Updating existing content.

Get started

Access the answer debugger from the Inbox

From the Inbox, any conversations where an AI agent was involved will have an Improve answer button on each AI-generated answer in the conversation thread.

The Improve answer button is only available on AI answers generated after July 15, 2023.

Gain a behind the scenes view of how Fin AI Agent works

Click on Improve answer to open the answer debugger in a side view. This provides a quick glance of existing content which Fin found relevant to the customer's question.

Reference the original response that Fin AI Agent provided

At the top of the answer debugger you'll see a summary of the customer question and the original answer that Fin gave with generative AI.

Review relevant sources used by Fin AI Agent

If you scroll down, you'll find a list of the top items from your Content library which Fin found relevant to this question. Click Load more to view up to 10 relevant items.

Improve how Fin AI Agent handles this customer question in the future

Once you understand which sources Fin AI Agent used to answer that particular question, there are two options to improve how Fin handles the same question in the future:

Create Snippet

Snippets are a content source specifically created for Fin. Snippets are not publicly available to customers and are only there to be used by Fin to improve answer quality and coverage.

Update existing content

You can also update your existing content enabled under Fin AI Agent. The answer debugger currently displays three content types:

  • Intercom Articles

  • Snippets

  • External Content

On each content item, you have the option to either directly edit, or open the item (in a new tab) depending on the content type.

Intercom Articles

  • Open - Opens the article in a new tab.

  • Edit - Opens the article in edit mode in a new tab.


  • Open - Opens the snippet in a new tab.

  • Edit - Allows you to directly edit the snippet in the same view.

External Content

  • Open - Opens the URL source of the external content.

  • Edit - Not available as the source information has been created outside of Intercom.


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