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How to use office hours in reporting
How to use office hours in reporting
Ivan avatar
Written by Ivan
Updated over 3 months ago

Depending on your requirements, you can choose to calculate time-based metrics (e.g. first response time, subsequent response, time to close) in one of two ways:

  • All hours (24/7): Metrics do not take your office hours into consideration.

  • Within office hours: Metrics are calculated based on your default office hours (or custom office hours if a team inbox has their own custom office hours set).

Using office hours in report templates and custom reports

In Intercom's new report templates and custom reports, you can control whether office hours are included in metric calculations at the individual chart level.

A "Within office hours" option is available for the following metrics:

Conversation metrics

  • First Response Time

  • Response Time

  • Time from First Assignment to Close

  • Time to Close

Teammate metrics

  • Teammate First Response Time

  • Teammate Subsequent Response Time

  • Teammate Time to Close

  • Teammate Handling Time

Team metrics

  • Team First Response Time

  • Team Subsequent Response Time

  • Team Time to Close

Custom office hours are only used for team metrics. If a team inbox doesn't have custom office hours, your default office hours will be used.

Enabling office hours in your reports

By default, any pre-built template will calculate metrics based on All hours. You can choose to calculate metrics Within office hours when adding a metric from the chart library using the dropdown.

If your report has a chart which doesn't use office hours, you can delete the chart and then add a new chart which does use office hours as described above.

If you have access to custom reports, you can create or edit an existing chart and select the checkbox below the metric to calculate it Within office hours, then click Update chart.

This means you can have some metrics in your report which are calculated within office hours, and others that include all hours if you want to compare them.

Using office hours in Intercom's legacy reports

In Intercom's legacy pre-built reports, the inclusion of office hours in metrics is controlled by your default office hours which are configured in Settings > Workspace > Office hours.

The toggle here allows you to "Track team response metrics within office hours only".

This setting impacts all time-based metrics in legacy report charts.

How office hours affect your metrics

Here are some practical examples to illustrate how office hours affect various metrics.

Metric Group


Office Hours checkbox

How it works

Conversation Metrics

  • First Response Time

  • Response Time

  • Time from first assignment to close

  • Time to Close

☑️ Checked

Uses default office hours

When "within office hours" is selected for these metrics, your default office hours will be used, resulting in the exclusion of any time spent outside of these hours from the calculations.

For example, consider a workspace with default office hours set from Monday to Friday, 9 am to 5 pm. If a customer initiates a conversation on Monday at 8 am, and the conversation gets assigned to Team A at 10 am, with the first response provided by a team member at 10:15 am, the first response time for this metric will be calculated as 1 hour and 15 minutes. This calculation excludes the hour from 8 am to 9 am, as it falls outside the customer's Monday to Friday, 9 am to 5 pm default office hours.

Conversation Metrics

  • First Response Time

  • Response Time

  • Time from first assignment to close

  • Time to Close

🔲 Unchecked

Uses all hours

When "All hours" is selected for these metrics, it means that the default office hours will not be considered for exclusion, and all time data will be used for the calculations, regardless of whether it falls within or outside of your office hours.

For example, consider a workspace with default office hours set from Monday to Friday, 9 am to 5 pm. If a customer initiates a conversation on Monday at 8 am, and the conversation gets assigned to Team A at 10 am, with the first response provided by a team member at 10:15 am, the first response time for this metric will be calculated as 2 hour and 15 minutes, including the time from 8 am to 9 am.

Teammate Metrics

  • Teammate First Response Time

  • Teammate Subsequent Response Time

  • Teammate Time to close

  • Teammate handling time

☑️ Checked

Uses default office hours

When "within office hours" is selected for these metrics, the default office hours setting will be used, resulting in the exclusion of any time spent outside of these hours from the calculations.

For example, consider a workspace with default office hours set from Monday to Friday, 9 am to 5 pm. If a customer initiates a conversation on Monday at 8 am, and the conversation gets assigned to Teammate at 8:30 am, with the first response provided by a teammate at 10:30am, the first response time for this metric will be calculated as 1 hour and 30 minutes. This calculation excludes the hour from 8:30am to 9 am, as it falls outside the workspace's Monday to Friday, 9 am to 5 pm default office hours.

Teammate Metrics

  • Teammate First Response Time

  • Teammate Subsequent Response Time

  • Teammate Time to close

  • Teammate handling time

🔲 Unchecked

Uses all hours

When "All hours" is selected for these metrics, it means that the default office hours setting will not be considered for exclusion, and all time data will be used for the calculations, regardless of whether it falls within or outside your office hours.

For example, consider a workspace with default office hours set from Monday to Friday, 9 am to 5 pm. If a customer initiates a conversation on Monday at 8 am, and the conversation gets assigned to a teammate at 8:30 am, with the first response provided by the teammate at 10:30am, the first response time for this metric will be calculated as 2 hours.


When "within office hours" is selected, if a customer starts a conversation outside office hours and a teammate replies outside office hours, the response time is ignored and does not impact your report metrics.

  • Example:

    • Customer starts a conversation at 7 AM.

    • Teammate replies at 8 AM, but office hours start at 9 AM.

    • The response time is ignored and does not impact your average or median response time.

First response time is calculated based on the office hours in effect at the time of the teammate’s reply, not when the conversation started.

  • Example:

    • If office hours are changed before a teammate replies, the new office hours will be used to calculate the first response time.


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