How can I tell what channel a customer is contacting me from?
How can I tell what channel a customer is contacting me from?
When a customer message is displayed in the Inbox, there will be a small icon indicating the channel the message was sent from.
A message sent in the web Messenger will have a Messenger icon. One sent in a mobile app will have an Apple or Android icon. An email will have an envelope, and an SMS message will have a phone icon. Messages sent from a social media platform (WhatsApp, Facebook, Instagram), will have the logo of that platform.
Here’s an example of where to find the channel icon in a message shown in the Inbox:
Can I turn off the feature that shows who's looking at conversations?
Can I turn off the feature that shows who's looking at conversations?
This feature is called teammate presence. It allows you to see if another teammate is looking at a conversation or ticket. This helps you avoid potentially working on the same conversation or ticket and helps you collaborate with other teammates.
This feature can be turned on/off from Settings > Inbox > Assignments > General under the "Teammates presence" section.
Note: If you switch tabs or are not actively viewing the conversation/ticket, then your teammate presence will not appear on the conversation/ticket.
How do I download a transcript of a conversation?
How do I download a transcript of a conversation?
If you need to share a conversation, or keep a record of it, you can easily download its transcript.
Just go to a conversation and click the three dots to see options, then click Export conversation.
The conversation transcript will now download as a .txt file.
Your users and leads can also download a conversation transcript while they chat to you or interact with Fin in the Messenger:
Conversation transcripts are only available on desktop in the Messenger.
What’s included in the transcript?
Your conversation transcript includes:
All replies in the conversation
The timestamps of every reply
The date and time the conversation was created (in your workspace’s timezone)
Operator’s replies
The customer and teammate’s names
The date and time the conversation was downloaded
What’s not included?
The file does not include:
The different states of the conversations (snoozed, unsnoozed, closed)
Seen/unseen notes
Internal notes
How and when the conversation was assigned
Images, attachment, GIFs, articles and apps will be labelled as text in the file, like [GIF] and [Article - article name], for example.
You can't export multiple conversation transcripts from your workspace but you can use our API to do so using our Conversations API.
Troubleshooting steps you can try if...
User is seeing funny characters in their downloaded transcript. It can happen that users on old machines (outdated versions of Mac, Windows or Linux) will download a transcript that has unicode characters (e.g. new emojis) not present in their outdated OS. These characters will shows as random letters/numbers and not what they see in the browser. This is a problem on the user’s end rather than ours and we can’t fix it. Afflicted users need to update their OS (or update their character sets) or view the transcript on another machine. Other people they send the transcript to will not have the same problem, they will see the correct characters (unless they’re on the same outdated OS/machine).
Part of the conversation isn't included in the transcript. If a chunk of the conversation isn't included in the transcript it's likely because the conversation is over the visible comment limit of the transcript, which at the moment is set to 200 lines. If the conversation is over the 200 line limit then the transcript will include the first line of the conversation and then will skip the conversation until it's within the 200 comment line limit.
Can I link to a specific reply in a conversation?
Can I link to a specific reply in a conversation?
Yes, it's easy to share a specific reply in a conversation with a teammate. Just hover over the reply and click on the three dots:
Then, click Copy link to selected conversation part.
This link will copy to your clipboard. Now, when you share the link with a teammate, it will bring them straight to that specific reply in a conversation.
How can I track which company a customer started a conversation for?
How can I track which company a customer started a conversation for?
If a customer is part of multiple companies, currently, there isn't a default method to see which company they were logged in for when they started a conversation in the Messenger.
To track this, you could record the company the customer is logged in for on a custom person attribute, when they are loaded in the Messenger. You would need to edit your Messenger installation to set the value for this attribute.
Then you can use a workflow to add a note to the conversation that references that custom attribute, when a customer starts a conversation in the Messenger.
For example, you could create a custom person attribute called Current Company
Then create a "Customer sends their first message" workflow that sends on the channels you have your Messenger installed (Web, iOS, and Android), and select the "Add a note" action.
Finally, add the Current Company
custom person attribute to the note.
Once live, this workflow will add a note with the name of the company the customer is logged in for when they start a conversation in the Messenger.
Where can I find data or reporting for inbound email conversations?
Where can I find data or reporting for inbound email conversations?
View inbound email data and reporting by using the Conversations report and click + Add filter then select a message Channel (email).
Managing conversations
Can I merge leads into users from the Inbox?
Can I merge leads into users from the Inbox?
Yes, you can view the details of each potential duplicate and their matching attributes from the conversation Details panel in the inbox.
If the conversation is with a lead and the detected duplicate is a user, you can click Merge Lead into User. This will refresh the conversation in the inbox with the details of the newly merged user, so you can see previous conversations etc.
Can I merge conversations?
Can I merge conversations?
Yes you can merge conversations, check out how it works here.
Can I unsend, recall or delete a reply I send to a user?
Can I unsend, recall or delete a reply I send to a user?
You cannot unsend or recall a reply to a user but you can delete it. If you delete a reply sent to a user in the Messenger, you can delete the reply and it will show as "this message has been deleted" in the Messenger for the user.
However replies sent by email cannot be deleted from your user’s email client. If your user doesn’t see your reply in the Messenger within three minutes, an email notification with the conversation will be sent to the user - which you also can’t delete. There is no email recall functionality.
To delete a reply in the Inbox, click the three dots next to the message.
Then select Delete message.
You’ll be asked to confirm your choice. This helps ensure you don’t delete a message by accident.
Important: You can't retrieve any messages you delete.
Your user will now no longer see the message. Here’s how it will appear to them in the Messenger:
Here’s how the deleted message will appear to you in the inbox:
Can I delete a note?
Can I delete a note?
Yes, you can delete a note on a conversation. Deleting a note works in the same way by clicking the three dots beside the note and pressing delete message.
Here’s how the deleted note will appear to you in the inbox:
Note: The ability to delete replies or notes is available to teammates with full permissions.
How do I remove company email addresses from group conversations?
How do I remove company email addresses from group conversations?
When your customers CC people into a conversation it can cause your company’s support addresses (e.g. to be included in the conversation as a lead. To prevent this from happening you’ll need to mark these addresses as ‘company addresses’ to let us know to ignore them.
In Settings > Channels > Email > Email settings, you can add as many company addresses as you’d like in the "Ignored addresses" section. Once added, they won’t appear in group conversations.
Tip: Intercom will attempt to automatically detect and add any email addresses you forward to your Inbox, as ignored addresses in this list. You'll see "Automatically detected" next to the address when this happens:
Can I start group conversations from the Inbox?
Can I start group conversations from the Inbox?
Yes, when you’re chatting to a customer, you can loop another customer into the conversation.
This is useful if you’re chatting to a customer and they need to get a colleague’s input on a specific issue, like pricing for example.
Simply click next to Reply in the composer and then select the current contact to add another contact as a participant by typing their name or email address.
Initiating conversations with multiple people via email
You can also initiate an email conversation with multiple people from the Inbox:
Start a conversation from the top-left and then select Conversation.
Set the channel to Email.
Add multiple users into the To field.
By default all users will be added as participants into the same conversation. If you want to create separate conversations for each user, you can toggle on the Send Separately option.
When you add people to a conversation, your company’s support addresses (e.g. are often included. You’ll need to mark these addresses as ‘company addresses’ to let us know to ignore them.
Is it possible to auto-close a conversation after a certain period of time?
Is it possible to auto-close a conversation after a certain period of time?
Yes, we've shipped a feature that lets you create an automation Workflow to close conversations when they match certain criteria.
Can I delete conversations in the Inbox?
Can I delete conversations in the Inbox?
You can only delete conversations in the Inbox if you archive or delete the user attached to the conversation.
To delete a user and their conversation(s), you can use any of these methods:
1. Archive or delete the user attached to the conversation. Archiving acts as a soft delete, and if the person returns, all data, including associated conversations, will be restored.
2. To permanently remove all data associated with a user or lead, go to Settings > Data > Delete data and enter their user ID or email address to delete them individually.
3. Alternatively, use Intercom's REST API to delete users in bulk, which will also delete their associated conversations.
This method deletes the user and their associated data, not just the conversation. You can however delete single conversations using the REST API here.
How do I mark an email as spam?
How do I mark an email as spam?
We currently don't have a feature to mark emails as spam from the Inbox. However, you can create a Workflow to identify spam messages and automatically close them:
Set up a "Customer sends their first message" workflow and add audience rules to identify if the email came from a specific address you consider spam, once identified, the workflow can tag the message as spam and close the conversation.
Or, set up a "Customer sends their first message" workflow and add conditional branches to identify keywords in the "Message Content" that you consider spam. Once identified, the workflow can tag the message as spam and close the conversation.
Additionally, you can block users who send spam, which archives their messages and prevents them from contacting you again. To block a user, select the dropdown from the top right corner of their user profile and choose "Block".
If genuine emails are being caught by the spam filter, you can check the Spam folder in the inbox and mark any legitimate messages as "Not Spam". The spam filter checks for hidden links, malware, phishing, and sender authentication, but it may occasionally flag genuine emails incorrectly.
How can we prevent customers from receiving emails when a ticket is updated/resolved, while still ensuring they get replies to conversations?
How can we prevent customers from receiving emails when a ticket is updated/resolved, while still ensuring they get replies to conversations?
You can manage email notifications in Settings > Channels > Email > Email settings under the “Email notifications” section:
To stop customers from receiving emails when a ticket is updated or resolved, disable "Ticket updates". This prevents automatic status update emails, such as "Your issue has been resolved."
To ensure customers still receive emails when you reply, keep "Conversation updates" enabled. This way, they will get an email when you respond before closing the conversation.
Why are conversations from our website form being assigned to the wrong inbox in Intercom?
Why are conversations from our website form being assigned to the wrong inbox in Intercom?
When a website form sends an email to Intercom, the conversations are being assigned to a technical email instead of the user’s email, even though the reply-to is set correctly.
Intercom determines the sender of an email based on the ‘From:’ field, not the ‘Reply-To’ field. In some cases—such as contact forms—the sender may be changed to the forwarding account rather than the original user who submitted the form.
For website contact forms:
Instead of sending the form data via email, use Intercom’s REST API to create conversations directly. This ensures the correct user is assigned.
For email forwarding from a Gmail account:
Use Google’s Routing options to forward emails properly to your Intercom inbox.
Alternatively, use a Gmail + Zapier integration to forward emails based on labels or tags.
Following these best practices should resolve the issue and ensure conversations are assigned to the correct inbox.
What are the differences between conversation.user.created, conversation.admin.single.created, and conversation.deleted webhook events in Intercom, and when should I use them?
What are the differences between conversation.user.created, conversation.admin.single.created, and conversation.deleted webhook events in Intercom, and when should I use them?
The differences between the webhook events are as follows:
: This event is triggered when a customer initiates a conversation by sending the first message.conversation.admin.single.created
: This event is triggered when a teammate contacts a user first, thus creating a new conversation.conversation.deleted
: This event is triggered when a conversation is deleted.
To set up webhooks for creating and deleting conversations in Intercom, use the following events:
for conversation deletion notifications.conversation.user.created
for customer-initiated conversations.conversation.admin.single.created
for teammate-initiated conversations.
What does the red exclamation mark on messages mean?
What does the red exclamation mark on messages mean?
A red exclamation mark error typically appears in messages when the sender has configured their Reply-To address in their email settings to be different from their From address.
This is an email header used by the sender to specify which email address should receive replies. This issue is due to a setting on the end-user's side and cannot be changed within Intercom.
Intercom uses the From field of an email to identify the sender, but sometimes, with contact forms or some email forwarding configurations, the sender may be changed to the account doing the forwarding, instead of the original sender.
However, it also serves as a bit of a catch-all "errors and issues" notification to warn you of potential bad actors. For example, is an email is not verified, or if it was forwarded several times before reaching your Inbox.
So this is not necessarily an indicator that the end-user is a bad actor, just that the risk score applied was higher than our threshold for a completely legitimate email.
How can I tell whether a link is safe in an inbound email?
How can I tell whether a link is safe in an inbound email?
Links in inbound emails will show tooltips on hover:
Trusted links (i.e. Intercom owned domains) will display on white background.
Untrusted links will show on orange background.
Linked images in inbound emails will show tooltips and orange overlay that disappears on hover:
Untrusted links will result in orange overlay over image that disappears on hover.
Untrusted links will trigger an interstitial to open in a new tab, displaying the full URL.
What should I do if my customers can no longer paste screenshots/pictures in the Intercom chat window?
What should I do if my customers can no longer paste screenshots/pictures in the Intercom chat window?
First, try clearing cache/cookies, using an incognito window, or trying a different device/network. If the issue persists, it might be related to Content Security Policy (CSP). Send a recording of trying to copy and paste, along with the console errors that show. Alternatively, you can provide a support agent with access to your website as an end user to test the issue on their end.
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