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Reporting FAQs
Beth-Ann Sher avatar
Written by Beth-Ann Sher
Updated over 2 months ago

Creating reports

Are all report templates available on all plans?

Not all report templates are available on all plans:

  • The Conversations report template requires the Conversations report feature.

  • The Team Inbox & Teammate Performance report templates require the Team performance report feature.

Can I create reports if my plan doesn't include custom reports?

Yes, all customers can create reports. However, if you don't have custom reports included on your plan you can only add charts from the chart library (you can't create your own custom charts).

Note: You'll need "Can access Reports" permission on your workspace.

What is the difference between a custom chart and a pre-built chart?

Custom charts are those created or edited via the chart builder. A chart you add from the chart library is a pre-built chart. Editing and saving any changes to a pre-built chart will make it a custom chart. If you downgrade from a plan that includes custom reports to one that doesn’t, any custom charts you’ve created will be inaccessible.

Note: Building custom charts requires access custom reports on your plan.

What is the difference between view mode and edit mode?

Any changes made to a report such as applying filters will not be saved unless you do so in edit mode and then save them. Changes made in view mode will be cleared when the you reload the browser.

Legacy pre-built reports automatically remembered your last filter selections through the browser. This means when you returned to a report, you would see the same date and attribute filters as during their last visit. The new reports do not retain these selections.

You can edit or duplicate a report and save your preferred filter selections to ensure these settings persist for future views.

Why can't I make some charts smaller on my report?

Each chart type has minimum sizes (in grid sizes WxH). They are as follows:

  • Column: 3x4

  • KPI: 2x2

  • Heatmap: 4x4

  • Table: 3x4

  • Line: 3x4

  • Horizontal Bar: 3x2

  • Area: 3x4

  • Donut: 2x5

Why are some charts missing from the report templates?

Intercom's legacy prebuilt reports contained charts which used versions of metrics and filters that aren’t possible to replicate in our new report templates, or they presented results that are replicable in custom reporting. New report templates now use the same metrics, filters, and chart types as custom reports, so every chart can be replicated in custom reports.

What is an aggregation?

An aggregation is how all the different values from individual conversations are combined and presented as a single number.

For example, taking the different response times from each reply in all your conversations and aggregating them to show you the ‘median’ response time.

How are aggregations calculated?

  • Average is the total of all values divided by the number of values. For example, if you have five response times of 1, 3, 4, 5 and 6 minutes, your average response time is all of them added together (1 + 3 + 4 + 5 + 6) divided by the number of responses (5) which equals 3.8 minutes.

  • Maximum is the largest value from the time period. For example, if you have five response times of 1, 3, 4, 5 and 6 minutes, the maximum value is 6 minutes.

  • Median is the middle value in all of your response times. The middle value is what separates the higher half from the lower half of your total response times. For example, if you have five response times of 1, 3, 4, 5 and 6 minutes, your median response time is 4 minutes (the middle value).

  • Minimum is the smallest value from the time period. For example, if you have five response times of 1, 3, 4, 5 and 6 minutes, the minimum value is 1 minutes.

How do I change the aggregation from Median to Average?

You can change the aggregation from Median to Average for a chart in 3 ways:

  1. When adding the chart from the chart library, you can select the aggregation (and whether office hours are included) from the dropdown menu.

  2. To change the aggregation for a chart you have already added to a report, you need to enter edit mode and delete the chart then add a new chart with the aggregation you want (Median/Average).

  3. If it's a custom report you can edit the chart to change the aggregation used. (This requires access to custom reports on the Advanced or Expert plan).

Why can’t I use Maximum and Minimum aggregation in a report template?

In order to change the chart aggregation to Maximum/Minimum, you’ll need access to custom reports on the Advanced or Expert plan, as this aggregation is only available to customers by directly editing a chart.

Why can’t I set whether Bot Inbox Time is included or Excluded in the filters of my report? Where did it go?

Bot Inbox Time is now selected at the metric level. When you select a chart from the chart template library that would be impacted by time in the Bot Inbox, there will be a separate version of the metric for whether it includes time spent assigned to the bot, or after the bot has handed over to the team.

Custom reports

The sum aggregation returns as 0, is that expected behavior?

Yes, when you have no conversations the sum aggregation returns as 0.

Why does the donut chart always show the ‘Other’ group?

This is to ensure that the donut chart compares relationships accurately by showing all ‘slices’ of the attribute they are viewing by. You can bump up the number of slices by changing the "Show top value" beside the attribute you’re viewing by.

Can I enable View by ‘Show Other’ for charts other than the donut chart?

No, only donut charts support showing the "Other" grouping for the attribute being viewed by at this time.

How can I create a stacked line chart?

You can do this by creating an area chart and setting the stacked toggle to "On".

When using the metric "New conversations", and filtering by User tag, I can still see conversations with users that have tags added. Why?

For the metric "new conversations", we take a snapshot of the first message in the conversation to populate data in the report. If the tag was added to the user profile after the conversation started, the conversation will still be added to the report.

Why doesn't the summary row value add up to the sum of all the rows?

The summary row is a roll-up of the selected metric, recalculated at an aggregate level. It is not a sum or average of the rows in the table. This approach ensures the most accurate and relevant insights for overall performance.

For example, for the "Closed conversations" metric it represents the count of unique conversations closed. The summary row displays the total number of unique conversations closed over the specified date range, following the metric's definition. If it was to sum up the values in the rows below it, then it would often have a higher count as a single conversation might be closed by multiple teammates.

Why do I see a number discrepancy when changing the View By based on time for reports?

In Intercom reports, each conversation will only count once. So for example, if you have a conversation with multiple replies spanning over a number of days during the a week, once you segment the report per week, that conversation will only show once in the results. However, if you segment the report by day, the conversation will show for each day. This is why you might see a higher number when selecting hours or days.

Reporting on team performance

How can I set up a Display Unit to showcase live statistics for agent performance and overall performance daily?

Intercom does not have a direct method to set up a Display Unit for live statistics. However, you can use an external screen share and display a reporting page such as the Real-Time Dashboard or the Overview Report to showcase agent performance and overall performance daily.

How can I see if a teammate has been actively replying to messages?

To see if a teammate has been actively replying to messages, you can either:

  • Use the Real-time Dashboard feature in Intercom. This dashboard includes a metric for 'Active teammates' which provides information about teammates with a given status, including time on status and total active. To access this information, you would click on the Teammates tab in the Real-time Dashboard to see more details about the teammates' activity.

  • Use Teammate status period dataset metrics in custom reports. This will help you identify the period your teammates have been in active status. You can also combine with other charts to see how many conversations were replied to on an hour/daily/weekly/monthly basis using Conversation actions dataset.

Analyzing report data

How can I analyze reporting data in Intercom?

Each report chart includes a chart drill-in feature which allows you to delve into the data and understand the driving factors behind the metrics you see in reports.

How can I export and analyze conversation data?

If you need to take a closer look at your conversation data, there are several ways you can download and export your conversation content or data:

Exporting conversation data older than 2 years can't be done through your workspace, it requires use of the API.

What is a conversation action?

A conversation action refers to specific actions performed within a conversation. These include tasks such as assignments, replies, and closing conversations. For example, using Chart Drill-In for the "replies sent" metric will display the replies sent by teammates to customers within the selected date period. By clicking on the action ID, you can preview the specific message sent.

How is company data handled in a CSV export when a user is part of multiple companies?

Where there are multiple companies, the values are all exported separated by commas.


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