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Copilot included and unlimited usage
Copilot included and unlimited usage

Pricing and access to Copilot.

Beth-Ann Sher avatar
Written by Beth-Ann Sher
Updated over 2 weeks ago

Copilot included usage is available on all current pricing plans (Essential, Advanced, or Expert) and most legacy plans which have ‘seats’.

Copilot unlimited usage is a flexible per seat add-on.

If your current plan doesn’t use seats, reach out to our support team to discuss migrating to one of our current pricing plans.


Included usage

Copilot included usage allows each teammate to use Copilot in up to 10 conversations or tickets per month (this is enabled for all teammates by default). This does not add any additional costs to your current plan.


  • A conversation is counted when a teammate asks Copilot a question.

  • A teammate can have up to 3 follow-up questions within the same conversation and this will be counted as a single conversation.

  • Only conversations where Copilot was able to provide an answer will count towards the included usage limit.

Unlimited usage (add-on)

Monthly/annual subscriptions

If you pay monthly/yearly for your Intercom subscription (not on a contract),

Copilot unlimited usage can be purchased as a flexible per seat add-on for $35/month per teammate (fair use limits apply). You will only be charged for the teammates that you have enabled for unlimited usage.

Unlimited usage can be enabled for any teammate with a full seat on your plan.


If you have an Intercom subscription under contract, you must add a minimum of one Copilot seat at $35/month per teammate to your contract in order to enable unlimited usage for your teammates (fair use limits apply).

Unlimited usage can be enabled for any teammate with a full seat on your plan.

The unlimited usage add-on is reduced to $29/month per teammate if you pay annually. Find out how to calculate your return on investment.

Enable/disable Copilot access for teammates

For each teammate, you can decide whether they should have Copilot unlimited usage, included usage, or turn it off for them completely.

From Settings > Workspace > Teammates, you’ll find a column for “Copilot access”.

Next to each teammate, you can select from the following options:

  • Unlimited usage - $35 per teammate / month. This is a flexible seat add-on that grants the teammate unlimited conversations with Copilot (fair use limits apply).

  • Included usage - 10 included conversations / calendar month. This allows the teammate to use Copilot in up to 10 conversations/tickets each month at no additional cost.

  • Off - Switch off Fin AI Copilot for this teammate. This removes Copilot access for the teammate.

Included usage will be selected for all teammates on your workspace by default. This will not add any additional costs to your Intercom subscription.

If you enable unlimited usage for a teammate, and this add-on is not already included in your current plan, a pop-up will appear asking you to confirm the additional charge to your bill.


  • Unless you’re on a contract, you can add Copilot unlimited usage to your plan any time, it will be prorated and billed ahead for the next billing period. If you’re on a contract, chat to your Account Manager about adding Fin AI Copilot unlimited usage to your current plan.

  • Teammates with a lite seat aren’t able to use Copilot.

  • If you are using Roles, Copilot usage will need to be managed in the Roles Settings.

Remove the Copilot unlimited usage from your plan

If you pay monthly for your Intercom subscription

To remove Copilot unlimited usage from all teammates, go to the Subscription page and click on Manage add-on below Copilot, then confirm if you’d like to remove Copilot.

Removing the Copilot add-on will deactivate all teammates’ unlimited usage immediately. Teammates with unlimited usage will revert to included usage and you’ll be credited for any prepaid use at the end of your current billing period.

If you pay yearly for your Intercom subscription

You can remove Copilot from the Manage subscription page under Add-ons.

Removing the Copilot add-on will deactivate all teammates’ unlimited usage at the end of your current billing period.

If you’re on a contract

For customers on a contract, you’ll need to contact your Account Manager. Unless the add-on is removed, you’ll still be charged for the contracted seats even if unlimited usage isn’t enabled for any teammates.


What fair use limits apply to Copilot unlimited usage?

Fair use limits can be found in the Additional Product Terms (on the page search for “usage limits”).

Can I trial Copilot unlimited usage?

For customers on a contract, your Account Manager can start a free trial of Copilot unlimited usage if you request it.

For customers not on a contract, you’ll receive free Copilot unlimited usage during your initial Intercom cardless trial period. Unlimited usage will be automatically enabled for the teammate who started the cardless trial. During the 14 day cardless trial, unlimited usage can also be enabled for additional teammates at no charge.

If you’ve already started a monthly or annual subscription, you’re not eligible for a Copilot unlimited usage trial, however, teammates with a full seat can still use the included usage at no additional cost.

Is Copilot available on the Early Stage program?

Yes! You can find out more here.

Is there a maximum number of teammates who can have Copilot?

There is no maximum other than the total number of full seats available in your current plan.

Do I need to get the Copilot add-on to access the Knowledge Hub?

The Copilot add-on is not required to access the Knowledge Hub which is included on every plan as standard. You’ll still be able to manage all your content for Copilot and self-serve support from the Knowledge Hub, but teammates won’t have unlimited use of Copilot in the inbox.


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