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Understand how billing works on contract

What you can expect to find on your Intercom invoice and what the charges mean.

Beth-Ann Sher avatar
Written by Beth-Ann Sher
Updated over a week ago

This article refers to our new pricing plans. For information about one of our legacy plans, please log in to view these articles instead, or contact us through the Messenger.

If you have signed a contract for your Intercom subscription, you’ll receive separate invoices for: contracted Subscription charges; and Additional Usage charges (over your contracted amount). This means in certain periods you may receive two invoices on the same day.

Contracted subscription invoices

  • Subscription - this is your core plan and committed usage (including contracted seats & message usage) which will be sent based on your quarterly or annual payment schedule.

A detailed breakdown of charges for your subscription and committed usage will be shown below this summary.

Below is an example of a quarterly invoice for a contracted subscription. This is only an example of how an invoice may appear, your invoice will vary depending on your own subscription and committed usage.

Example: quarterly invoice for contracted subscription

Additional Usage invoices

  • Message usage over your contracted amount will be issued monthly and billed in arrears.

  • Seat usage and any add-ons over your contracted amount will be prorated from when they were active and billed ahead for the following month.

Additional usage over your contracted amount is always charged at list price.

A detailed breakdown of Additional Usage will be shown below this summary.

Below is an example of an invoice for Additional Usage over a customer’s contracted subscription (committed usage). This is only an example of how Additional Usage may appear, your invoice will vary depending on your own usage.

Example: invoice for Additional Usage over contracted subscription

If you change your seat count mid-period, the estimated seat cost on the Subscription page and the actual invoice won’t match:

  • Your invoice will show accurate billing based on the actual usage days of each seat to ensure you’re only charged for the duration a seat is used.

  • However, the Subscription page will display seat costs based on the most recent seat count, not accounting for any prorated charges.

Contracted seats

All contracted seats will be billed ahead according to their billing frequency (monthly/quarterly/annually).

Additional seats are allowed if you exceed your contracted minimum and will be prorated from the date on which the seats were added or removed during the billing period. You’ll be charged for each additional seat at your plan price. Additional seats are billed ahead monthly (not quarterly/annually).

Example 1

Initial charge (January 1st):

  • You sign an annual contract for 10 Essential seats, you prefer upfront payment.

  • Your invoice will have a line which shows:

    • January 1st - December 31st: 10 seats - $4,680 ($39 * 10 seats * 12 months)

Example 2

Initial charge (January 1st):

  • You sign an annual contract for 3 Advanced seats, you prefer upfront payment.

  • Your invoice will have a line which shows:

    • January 1st - December 31st: 3 seats - $3,564 ($99 * 3 seats * 12 months)

Additional Usage (August 1st):

  • In August you use Intercom for a big product launch (10,000 Bulk Email Sent).

Additional Usage Invoice (September 1st):

  • Your additional usage invoice will have a line which shows:

    • 10,000 Bulk Email Sent - $254.

Example 3

Initial charge (January 1st):

  • You sign an annual contract for 3 Advanced seats, you prefer monthly payment.

  • Your invoice will have a line which shows:

    • January 1st, 3 seats - $297 ($99 * 3 seats)

Additional Seats (November 1st):

  • In November you hire two new teammates to stay on top of the forecasted increase in sales. You assign each teammate a full seat.

Additional Usage Invoice (December 1st):

  • Your additional usage invoice will have a line which shows:

    • Bill in arrears for the extra seats used in the past month $198 ($99 * 2 seats)

    • Bill ahead for December $297 ($99 * 5 seats)


Your contract will show the agreed payment method e.g. credit card, ACH or wire transfer. The only way to change to a different payment method is by signing a new agreement.


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