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How to customize reporting folders in the sidebar
How to customize reporting folders in the sidebar

Custom navigation folders empower you to create and manage reporting folders for your workspace.

Mariah avatar
Written by Mariah
Updated over a week ago

Customize reporting folders

Custom navigation folders allow team leaders to curate and control reports, ensuring that teammates have access to the most relevant information.

There is a new permission under reports called “Can manage Workspace folders”. Teammates with the “Manage teammates” permissions will be given the new permission by default.

You can control which folders and reports are visible to teammates in their individual workspaces. All folders are still at a workspace level and visible to any teammate who has access to reporting. Existing folders and reports will remain the default view for new workspaces.

Through the sidebar, you can add custom folders, pin/unpin folders, and decide which reports (pre-built and custom reports) are present in each folder.

Reorder folders

Click the 3 dots next to the title of the report and drag up/down to reorder the reports within each folder. You can take this same approach when rearranging the visible folders.👇

Add or remove reports to folders

To add reports from an existing folder, click on the 3 dots next to the folder name, then click 'Add reports'. You can then click the pin icon next to the folder you'd wish to add.

You can remove reports from an existing folder by clicking on the 3 dots next to the folder name, and then clicking Manage > Delete folder. 👇

Reporting folders are visible at a workspace level, which means everyone in your workspace who has access to reporting will be able to view them.

Activity logs

The following reporting events have been added the the activity log in the Settings > Workspace > Teammates tab under 'Activity logs':

  • When a teammate updates folder name change

  • When a teammate pins or unpins a folder

  • When a teammates updates reports in folder changes

  • When a teammate updates the position of a folder


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