All Collections
Tracking your customers in the Intercom platform for better relationships.
Get started with Contacts
Tracking user data in Intercom
Create new Leads and Users in Intercom
How do visitors, leads and users work in Intercom?
Merge lead and user profiles
Edit and update data
Track conversions and clicks with UTM parameters
The people list and company list explained
How to segment your contacts
How do filters work?
Create more targeted audiences with And / Or rules
How dates work in Intercom
Group your users by tags
Group your users by company
Group your leads by Qualification Company
What is user_id and why would I want to use it?
Define the right qualification data for your business
Know every user and company personally
Get valuable user insight from day one
Assign an owner to your leads and users
Generating leads with Intercom
Get alerts when a lead you own revisits your site
Custom data planning tool
Create, edit, archive, or delete tags
Can I add descriptions to my custom attributes and events?
Export conversations data to Amazon S3
How to protect yourself against email list bombing
Country, browser, timezone, region and OS reference list