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Share your Product Tours

Share tours in conversations, messages, bots, emails, and more.

Liam Keegan avatar
Written by Liam Keegan
Updated over a year ago

You can share Product Tours in many places to help guide customers wherever they are. For example, you can:

  • Provide support that goes beyond words by sharing tours in conversations.

  • Drive better adoption with tours in messages and Series.

  • Capture your customers’ intent and help them reach their goals with Workflows.

  • Re-engage customers who are away from your product by sharing a tour as a link in emails.

If you want to automatically show tours to a target audience, read this article.

How to share a Product Tour

To set up sharing for your tour, go to "Use your tour everywhere", and add the page URL where your tour should begin when you share it:

Why a tour needs a sharing URL

If you share a tour, customers could be anywhere when they click to view it. This URL ensures they go to the page your tour starts on. You should ensure all customers can access this URL. Otherwise, some may not be able to view your tour.

When enabling the 'Use tour everywhere' option, using a URL that contains an anchor (number in the URL) will prevent the tour from triggering as the URL param must be included before the anchor.

To ensure your tour always sends, we recommend using URLs anyone can access. However, if you need to use a URL that contains a unique parameter, like a company ID, you can insert attributes to create a dynamic URL:

The unique parameters must be attributes in Intercom to be added to the sharing URL.

Now you can insert tours in conversations, bots and messages, emails and more. If you don’t want a tour to be shareable, you can turn this off:

When a tour is inserted in the conversation, if the user_data object doesn't contain any company attributes then the tour URL will use the fall back value.

Ways you can share Product Tours

Guide customers as you chat

If a customer asks about a new feature or has a common support request, you could proactively guide them by sharing a tour in the conversation. Just click on the product tours icon to choose a tour:

Once you add the tour to your reply, your customer can view the tour directly from the conversation:

When customers click ‘View tour’, they’ll be redirected to the URL where your tour starts, that you defined under "use your tour everywhere".

Proactively engage customers with a tour in a message

If you use Messages to engage your customers, you can proactively guide customers by inserting a Product Tour into a message. Also, if you onboard or nurture customers with series, you can use tours to help them quickly adopt your product.

When you’re creating a message, just insert the tour of your choice:

Once you set your message live, customers who receive it will be able to take a tour straight from your message. 👌

It's even easier to share tours from Banner messages.

Capture customer intent and guide them with Workflows

With Workflows, you can proactively capture your customers’ intent and guide them down the right path to success. For example, you could find out which feature they want to learn about. Once you capture their answer, you could use a tour to show them how to use that feature.

When building your Workflow, just add a tour to one of your paths:

Once live, customers who want to take the direct route to learning about your product can take a tour.

Show customers the solution with Custom Answers

Make Custom Answers even more effective by using Product Tours to automatically guide customers. For example, questions such as “How do I find my notification settings?”, or "Can I remove a watermark?" provide you with the opportunity to show customers the answer with a tour.

When creating a Custom Answer, just insert a tour:

Share tours in emails or anywhere else

You can easily share tours in emails, articles or anywhere. Under "Use your tour everywhere", just click ‘Copy link’:

Now, add it as a hyperlink in your product, an email, an article, or anywhere else you’d like to share it. When customers follow the link, they’ll be redirected to this URL and the tour will begin.

Note: If your Tour link includes dynamic variables (such as "First name" or "Company name"), and you want to share the link outside of Intercom (via Slack for example), you will need to manually populate these with a value.

For example:{{ First name }}?product_tour_id=1234 will need to be sent as

Outside of Intercom, variables like {{ First name }} can't be automatically resolved/populated.

Link tours from Articles

Tours can be linked to from articles to extend self-serve support into the product.

Can a user take a tour more than once?

Tours shared with these methods will only send once per web session but can be seen by the same user multiple times if they are shared again. If you are testing your tour, you will need to open a new browser window or tab for it to send again.

If you include the option for customers to snooze or restart a tour, they may take it more than once.

Tours that are snoozed, or restarted then viewed again, will not be recorded as an additional view in tour stats.

You can also use the Intercom JavaScript API to trigger your tours repeatedly.

Set it live

Once you’ve set up automatic targeting and sharing your tour, the final step is to set your tour live:

Before you publish your tour, learn how to test it.

Tours must be set live before your customers can see them. Teammates will also require permission to set Product Tours live in your workspace. Learn more about managing and giving permissions here.


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