Latest posts by Kate Sugrue

Response Time: Vol. 41

In our latest “Response Time” interview, we ask Ehsan Rishat, Head of Customer Success at REsimpli, about his greatest productivity hack, the most valuable thing about working in support, and more.

Customer Service 2 min read

In our latest “Response Time” interview, we ask Kostas Sveronis, Technical Support Manager at Yodeck, about the essence of great customer service, and more.

Customer Service 3 min read

In our latest “Response Time” interview, we ask Sam Barrett, Head of Customer Experience at Runna, about how he goes the extra mile for customers, and more.

Customer Service 2 min read

In our latest “Response Time” interview, we ask Victor Salinas, Head of Customer Success at VMetrix, about what movie robot he’d choose as his AI sidekick, and more.

Customer Service 4 min read

In our latest “Response Time” interview, we ask Kelly Burnette, Classroom Success Manager at Writable from HMH, about the strangest thing a customer has asked her, and more.

Customer Service 2 min read

In our latest “Response Time” interview, we ask Robb Clarke, Head of Technical Operations at RB2B, about his greatest productivity hack, which movie robot he’d choose as his AI sidekick, and more.

Customer Service 3 min read

In our latest “Response Time” interview, we ask Trevor Kimball, Support Team Manager at, about the most valuable thing working in customer service has taught them, and more.

Customer Service 3 min read

In our latest “Response Time” interview, we ask Pat Barlow, Support Lead at Dovetail, about their greatest productivity hack, what Olympic sport customer service would be, and more.

Customer Service 2 min read

In our latest “Response Time” interview, we ask Sam Miller, Support Operations Manager at Dental Intelligence, about the most valuable thing their job has taught them, what they wish people knew about working in customer service, and more.

Customer Service 4 min read

In our latest “Response Time” interview, we ask Laura Bedoya, Technical Support Manager at Vitally, about the best thing a customer has ever said to them, which celebrity would be really great at their job, and more.