Latest posts by Kate Sugrue

Customer Service 3 min read

In our latest “Response Time” interview, we ask Libor Bitala, Head of Support at ROI Hunter, about his best customer service experience, what he wishes people knew about working in customer service, and more.

Customer Service 2 min read

In our latest “Response Time” interview, we ask Line Granseth, Head of Customer Service at Morgenlevering, about the most valuable thing working in customer service has taught her, which celebrity would be great at her job, whether a burger’s a sandwich, and more.

Customer Service 4 min read

In our first “Response Time” interview, we ask Erin Narvaez, Senior Manager of Customer Support at, about her greatest productivity hack, what advice she’d give to peers in the customer service industry, which celebrity would be great at her job, and more.

News & Updates 1 min watch

So maybe you’re intrigued and excited about how automation is fast becoming driver for growth in your industry but you still don’t quite understand exactly what a Custom Bot is? That’s where Intercom’s Product Education team can help!